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Cheaty McCheats

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47 Excellent

About Cheaty McCheats

  • Birthday 14/11/1992

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  • Interests
    Cars. Automotive Photography.
  • Member Title
    Totally not a Cop

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  1. Happy Birthday Cheaty McCheats!

  2. Happy Birthday Cheaty McCheats!

  3. That's not too far from me - might show my face. Is there a semi-flacid option? I'm not 100% in but I'm not soft either...
  4. Didn't think feds have jurisdiction on state property for state crimes? ie. Not a military base.
  5. Was told bikes don't need to be registered in NSW to ride on trails, unlike every other state I know of... Thought it sounded too good to be true.
  6. Thanks. Cops pretty bad around here for off road stuff?
  7. G'day guys, Just moved over to Sydney for work, living out in the western suburbs. I drive a blue BFII XR6T with a little bit of work done. Also have trail bike and am looking for people to ride with around this area. (Menai or off Heathcote rd seems okay?).
  8. Fly in this weekend. Looking forward to catching up with a few of ya's. For some it's been over a year now!
  9. Hopefully will be back in Perth sometime before Christmas. I have put in for leave from 14 DEC - 06 JAN, I am thinking I'll request flights for 14th - 23rd. Would be good to be back for a decent amount of time, finally... Skids for Tom?
  10. Happy Birthday Cheaty McCheats!

  11. Wouldn't want to fall off, it's a cliff going down to ocean on every side where there isn't green mountain. Needs more 4WD for helis
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