The car has only done about 70,000 and just been serviced at ford so the plugs are new I held the traction control button until it lights up on the dash so it should be off so I dont know whats going on with it
has anyone had any dramas with traction control I was out the other night just going for a drive with my mate who has a xr6 turbo he pulled up beside me and said he wanted to see if his car was as quick of the line as my f6 so I turned my t/c off so I didnt lose any power I took off on the green with a bit of wheel spin but then I lost power for a second then it came back so I think t/c could be stuck on is there an easy fix or does it have to go to the shop or is it some thing else I dont know about
I have just gone and brought a 05 bf f6 and joind this site and I must say a big thanks to everyone the advice I have recived so far has probly saved me a lot of head ache and money because ihad no idea were to start so thanks