press the button and the light comes on, meaning the tc is off. either way it does it when ive turned the tc off or when I leave it on.. only really does it at around 4grand... Sort of feels like its hesitating and then continues up the rev range.... any one had similar feeling with thier ba auto's ? any suggestions welcome!!!
ba 4spd turbo, sounds like the traction control kickin when puttin the boot into it like around 4grand, only thing is when the traction control is off, it still does it, not every time though.... ????????????? any ideas ?
hi got a ba xrt sedan, just wondering if anyone has removed the heat shield under the driver seat for the exhaust? one exhaust place told me I could not remove as the cabin will heat up too much! anyway would be good if I could get some ideas of what to do? I would love to take it off as it makes it sound like sh*t from when its sittin at the lights etc.... cheers chris.
hi just noticed im missing a bolt that holds the heat shield on below turbo, all the top ones are there that go into the side of the head, just missing this one bolt. anyone know the size of it ? just its making a fukin annoying vibrating noise when idling!!!! cheers
hi just wondering how to remove the big air vent on pass side of car, its collapsed and need to pull the parts out and try and get a new one to put in.... any help would be greatly appreciated ... cheers
Is it best to have bov loose or tight???? I got a dualport turbosmart kompact bov on my falcon, is it best to have it screwed down a fair way, or looser? Will I loose Power if its too loose or tight????????????? cheers