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  1. 20% power loss from flywheel to wheels sounds about right, it's what my car got.
  2. You will need to know the diameter of the dyno's roller. Apparently they're usually about 218 mm or 273 mm, so that would be 872 Nm or 1092 Nm. As you can see, the torque figure isn't very useful, as it's distorted by many components along the chain; roller, wheels, lsd, torque converter if it's auto, and the gear selected. Derived torque is something that resembles the source.
  3. Apologies I didn't see this sooner. It's just a cheap generic one, from Repco or something, needed cutting to fit. It's not one of the Ford ones you see sometimes.
  4. Hi guys, I was curious if anyone has any experience with these tyres, I'd really appreciate hearing some. Thanks, Brett.
  5. I need 4 fresh ones, thinking of sparing no expense on the rears and getting something like Michelin PS2s. Can I get away with something really cheap on the front? Like Achillies? Also what's the max width the factory 18"s can handle? Cheers guyths.
  6. It's called kipping and it belongs in the trash also
  7. Done that a fair few times lol I was asking because the majority of the pros do wide stance squats. They preach wide stance for box squats and free squats and being the stronger method, and also the one that develops more muscle. It is a bit home-o to have a bicep/tricep day, but nothing wrong with sneaking in a few curls just to be safe haha
  8. UK version is OK show but absolute snoozefest during those segments where one takes public transport, the other drives to a certain destination.
  9. What's the point of having the cold and hot viscosities of multigrade oil then?
  10. To guys like Goliath and Adamski who are squatting decent numbers, could you describe your technique? Are you doing wide stance?
  11. I'd say most likely he's using a machine with a number of pulleys that has 50 kg selectable via a stack. Sounds stupid to assume that someone would think a machine is directly comparable to free weights but I've heard it happen before.
  12. Unless you're entering a bodybuilding competition or your calves are freakishly thin there's no point to doing them. For hamstrings, the best exercises are Glute Ham Raises, Leg Curls, Romanian Deadlifts, Good Mornings, Pull Throughs, and 45 deg. Hyperextensions.
  13. That's a nice time for 380 hp. But from what I know (not a lot), changing the stall speed shouldn't affect the power over the RPM your transmission stalls at.
  14. Just a guess because I obviously haven't seen you bench, but it may be wise to change your form so the bar touches lower on your chest (towards your stomach), and you tuck your elbows in more. It's very common to injure a shoulder bench pressing with flared elbows (upper arms at ~90 degrees to the body). You may not be able to lift as much weight like this but over time you'll get used to it.
  15. Unfortunately not mate, but add him on facebook, there almost definitely will be some.
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