Every since I picked up my car, FG G6E Turbo, its had massive shudder above 100km/h. Made me slow down real slow at those speeds. So rather than going through the dealer skimming dramas, I went and bought new pads and discs. got RDA slotted rotors, and Remsa euro spec pads. GSL Rallysport who is a big dealer of QFM pads do not sell QFMs anymore, with the Remsas being a higher temp rated product (650 deg C) and priced better. I thought I'd give them a try. On Friday I had an hour to spare to I changed the rear discs and pads, and front pads only. See how that went. Went for a drive, bedded them in, felt ok. Took them out on the freeway, even bigger shudder than before! Really freaked me out a bit. So I slowed down, did some more braking, and then tried again. Less pronounced shudder, but still there. I had to drive 600kms on Saturday, so didn't have time to change the front discs. Finally did that today. All shudder is gone Pads feel pretty good, they need a bleed but overall I'm happy. phew.