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  1. sweet as, I know where they are so ill look into them. as for what im getting, I was dead set on a turbo manual ute, but after crunching numbers have found I cannot, unfortuently, afford the turbo at this time (I realise this is a turbo forum, I signed up when I thought I was able to get one haha) so I am settling for a XR6 50th ann. ute at this time, hopefully ill be able to get the next gen turbo ute next time oh and in nitro blue cheers for your input guys
  2. yeh this is what I though, I have access to every car care product under the moon at cost price (from work) so I might as well look after it all myself and just get the tint done, dealer has tint for 295, which is expensive for a ute (btw its a ute im gettin...) so would it be best to find a reputable tinter and get it a little cheaper? cheers guys
  3. Hey guys, I will soon be picking up a nice new FG falcon. Now the dealer has offered me the paint protection thing, its done by Complete Care (Gold Coast Dealer), but Im not sure it really does anything/is worth it? Anyone else had experience with this sort of thing? btw it cost $990 for paint protection, fabric (all interior) protection and window tint. cheers guys
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