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  1. AWDPSI made 350awkw alot more to come soon :-) just testing the boundaries of the all wheel drive setup an much we can push it.
  2. There has been a delay at the engine builders apparently and seems we may nit get to run it in at easternats as first hoped. Definately not happy but building cars that's how the cookie crumbles
  3. Car was never tuned previous to engine melt down thanks to you and ya mates and morno fOrd for making sure ford got off warranty free. As usual.
  4. Well sounds like in the near future I'm sure there is going to be alot competition with the tt's. The problem we are having at the moment is knowing because it seems we are stepping into un known land. For example the power capabilities of the drive train is a big problem. 400 at all 4 with the current setup is more then achievable but you would think breaking alot gear comes along with that power
  5. Yeh I seen that video heaps. Does anyone know what power figures that territory was putting out?? We are currently chasing between the 350-400 awkw so hoping this will push it the low 11's
  6. Well mate u come on and start throwing off what u expect. Harden up princess you'll be ok
  7. Thanks for input dillz... Couldn't find anything so maybe leave the wanka comments for own posts champ. So an official 11.2 is what we are chasing. Thanks zap
  8. Was just starting a thread to see if anyone Knows who is the current tittle holder of the fastest territory in Australia....
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