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Posts posted by Samboc

  1. Maybe the driving technique is the answer. Don't become a target of the Cops. Stories of getting booked 3 or 4 time for less than 8 k over the limit are crap. I have over 40 years driving - now have an XR6T ex NSW HWP . I cover about 40,000 k per year and haven't been booked for 30 years. And I have been know to enjoy the car at times. It is rare I don't see a HWP car every day in my area. They are quite active and I am well known ( only other car like mine is still in uniform) It's the way you drive that makes the difference. PS Had radar detectors years ago - decided a good cruise control was a much better idea.

  2. Just an update. Have now got 120,000 K on the clock. Only trouble was the water pump pulley coming loose. Replaced under Ford warranty. Have just had the diff bushes replaced under extended warranty. The local Ford dealer feels happier doing a service every 7,500 K. I am happy with that. Used to change my oil every 5,000 k in the past and it keeps the warranty good. Still on the same brake pads since I bought the car. Must be due for a change soon. Also had it's 1st buff and polish. Looking good. The Federals are at 50%. I can not find a reason to buy factory fitted Dunlops. On a score of 0-10 has to be 10+.

  3. Watch the auctions - one went 2 weeks ago. About 100k . Bit much . The ex NSW Cop cars are obvious. Most get traded at 60K ??

    The "Wheels and Brakes".

    Even the newest have the same wheels and brakes.

    I have noticed Ford have moved the XR6 Turbo badge to the passengers side ?? Any ideas why ?? Is it just an upgrade ?

  4. Hi All,

    I have had this car for a year now. Added 35,000 K .

    Absolutely perfect.

    Just replaced the Dunlops. Crap tyres. Needed Ear Muffs.

    Bought 4 Federals. Can't pick the difference in performance at legal speeds ( + 50% ) but much much smoother and quieter.

    At half the price, will never go back to Factory.

    Fuel about 11.5 around town. Much less than 10 on a trip.

    Brakes have proven to be extra-ordinary. Smooth, linear and totally reliable.

    To all the knockers of ex cop cars.

    I would not buy anything else. I have had many enquirers about the car. Value for for money is 100%

    And for you lot questioning the brakes. Front and rear are large diameter. 4 pot Brembos on the front PBR on the rear

    Unbelievable brakes. I can only wonder at a 6 X 4 setup. Expensive Daewoo HSV? Ford FPV?

    And I believe firmer suspension.

    Get in and drive one


  5. Id have a stab in the dark that your FG has warranty??

    Get it in there....

    Car moded - no warranty.

    Strip the brakes down and clean.

    I only have 4 pots but are smooth and progressive.

    Friend of mine had a stone lodged in the calipers - did much the same

  6. Agree,

    The cars looks OK .

    I've done about 400Km since yesterday.

    The job looks Good.

    Ford Customer Relations phoned me up today to check on the quality of the work. Not bad service.

    Pitty the local Ford Dealer was as useless as tits on a bull.

    My next service is due now. Not going to Ford

  7. Well looks like Ford Service have lived up to their reputation.

    When the car broke down the local mechanic had a quick look and recommended Ford repair the car under warranty.

    At the time he noticed that the tension pulley had also been damaged and would need replacing.

    When Ford looked at the car they ordered a Water Pump and Belt. ( Day 1 )

    Ford promised car would be ready on Monday

    The next day when working on the car they noticed the damage to the Tension Pulley ( already advised by the local mechanic) ( Day 2 ) (Weekend - days 3 and 4 )

    Day 5 - Monday - parts arrive - they are busy and don't finish the job.

    Day 6 - Tuesday - Mechanic is working on car and damages the water pump gasket so badly it cannot be used. ( at least he is honest ) They don't have a gasket and can only find one at a garage 20 km away. They cannot get it the same day due to work commitments.

    Day 7 - Wednesday - Girl who work in Service Dept picks up gasket on way to work. Call me at 2 pm - car is OK to pick up.

    The job appears good. I have done 100 KM this afternoon and all looks well.

    A week to replace a water pump and tension pulley.

    I'm guessing 2 hours would cover the job ( based on my work on older cars ).

    Have lost a lot of confidence in Ford QOS . I would have been better off getting the work done by my local mechanic and pay the few hundred dollars.

    Makes my initial concern about warranty work fade somewhat. ( although this was only $100's not $1000's )

  8. 4.6 - I'm impressed.

    Although I stand by my general theme. There must be a point where traction limits acceleration with RWD cars ( Normal tyres / street conditions ).

    Maybe a more sophisticated Traction System that optimizes torque to wheel spin. Say - 10 ms of wheel spin not the second or two in the XR's. ???

    AWD still seem the best solution.

  9. As Phantm was alluding to, if you lose a water pump or your engine temp gets excessively high for any reason it will keep cutting cylinders out to allow you to keep going without overheating. So if there was no sign of it running rough then it hadn't even begun that process so you should be all sweet.

    Thanks - nice to know

  10. Seems to me that 2 wheel drive ( rear wheels ) are reaching their limit.

    Time Ford etc changed to constant 4 WD.

    The limit with 2 wheels ( 0 -100 ) is about 5 secs.

    Many exotic 4 WD cars are closer to 3 secs

  11. Had an interesting last 2 days.

    Thought I would start a new topic on warranty claims - why not ??

    Anyway here's the story.

    Driving along the Princes Hwy at 80 kph behind some slow vehicle ( 100 K zone )

    Come up to a shortish over taking spot - decide to give it a go - indicate - turn wheels - floor it - WTF ??

    Wheels loose traction - hitting 150 Kph by the time I am beside the car. OK - that was fast.

    Time to get back to the correct side of the road - flick the wheel - nothing - cannot steer.

    No power steering - drag the car over - not easy - traffic coming at me

    Warnings flash - no Battery charge !!

    Warnings flash - over temp. -- Time to pull up.

    Side lane - get off the HWY.

    Lift bonnet - Fan belt ( not sure what it is called now ) floating loose - damaged but still in one piece .

    OK - put it back on and limp home.

    No pulley on the Water Pump. End of story.

    Call NRMA - Excellent service - Local Guy was driving past and was there in 10 minutes.

    One look and He went for the tow truck.

    Returned 20 minutes later and took the car to the local mechanic.

    Local mechanic said warranty job - best to see Ford and get it fixed and also cover possible future problems.

    He called the closest Ford Dealer - 35 Km away - and discussed details. No problems - Advised to check with Ford to see if I had Road Side Assistance.

    Again excellent service from Ford. Road Side assistance was only for 12 months - expired last November. OK

    Rang NRMA - What are my options - Sorry - you are only allowed 1 tow under you cover. Fair enough. How much for a Tow to Bega ( 35 KM ) -- $167 -- Good value - go ahead.

    Picked up the car within the hour and dropped it at the Ford Dealer at Bega.

    They have been excellent to deal with and have agreed to cover with warranty subject to inspection.

    All good so far - hope tomorrow is as good as today.

    The Fault --

    The pulley came off the water pump. Apparently rare - but stops the car dead.

    Some damage to the idler pulley and belt stuffed.

    Will all need to be replaced and coolant replaced.

    My Concern is --

    Did I pull-up quick enough to prevent damage to the engine.

    Hence the go with the Ford Dealer.

    History will be recorded for any further problems in the future.

    Fingers crossed

  12. I have done a few stints in Canberra and being staying in Belconnen. Why does everything close at 6pm Monday - Thursday???? Fridays I am back on a plane home and weekends, no chance I will be staying in Canberra.

    Is Northbourne Avenue close enough to the main city where there are actually things to do after 6pm>??

    That's why Bateman's Bay was built.

    Bad enough to live there 9 - 5 weekdays.

    Weekends - they are gone.

  13. Get third party fire and theft on corolla... If it's only worth $2500 why pay such a high premium?

    Your right - only did it to keep my no claim bonus alive while I was between cars.

    Will take a serious look at that when the policy expires.


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