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  1. While doing some landscaping at our house, my father in law and my wife took my lowered BA XR8 to get a load of mulch. 15mins later I got a call from a teary wife saying she thinks they've 'broken' my ute as is keeps grinding on the road. I said don't worry it always scrapes in car parks etc, won't hurt it, they slide nicely on their bellys. 5mins later another call, more crying and begging me to bring the Hilux and unload some of the mulch. When I came up behind it pulled over, they only made it a few hundred metres from landscape supplys, I was shocked to see how low the rear bar was to the deck, just inches off it!!! I thought they must have snapped the spring hangers off it. Wish a got some photos of it. One of my mates said to me a week later, "you should have seen this idiot with a ute the same as yours on the side of the road, looked like he'd torn the rear out of it, the tub was sitting on the ground!!!'
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