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About blueboost

  • Birthday 04/01/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mackay NorthQueensland
  • Interests
    Drags, watersking, bikes,<br /><br />i run a small business modifing and tuning BA's-BF's GT's XR8's XR6T's Teritory Turbo's

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  1. Hi


    I am in Airlie Beach and would like to get in contact wit BlueBoost re mods for my car but I cant find any contact details on the net. Can someone point me in the right direction?




    FG XR6T

  2. Happy Birthday blueboost!

  3. Happy Birthday blueboost!

  4. Happy Birthday blueboost!

  5. Happy Birthday blueboost!

  6. Happy Birthday blueboost!

  7. hey Kyle con grats on the times and dyno runs, mine is 3.46, runing 6500 across the line,at 148mph, but mine is 1600kg's and only making 800rhp, so things are not even, and if it coasted across the line that will make up for it anyway, David
  8. that's a big effort to, and I was impressed, but I was talking about the BA's this time, as were they. David
  9. Well done guy's, she is starting to come together, should be another car in the nines before to long by the looks, what was the rpm limit set at? must have been a hell of a lot of convertor slip,did the convertor still feel fine after the run? I take it the cage is going in, that's why the four weeks? David
  10. well done Paul, they are a very strong car,and very quick, still more in it to by the looks, might have to put a cage in it. David
  11. well done,yes that would bethe first 9 sec 4speed auto, is he a forum member? David
  12. well done! that otherthing looks like a handfull, David
  13. yes that was quick for a stocker, made that r8 look slugish. David
  14. hi guy's, this sounds like a fun day, it is right in the middle of my shift, but I will put holiday's in and see what happens, my car wont make it at this stage, but I hope to come down and meet some of you all in person, David
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