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  1. Suck sh*t it's what you deserve

  2. Wtf lock a wheel run into first place and take the win that's bullsh*t

  3. Two blown tyres blown Turbo and lost my keys all in two weeks not having much luck

  4. C'mon webber my mum would beat you in a drag race

  5. Well done hawthorn snatched defeat from the jaws of victory

  6. WOW I cant believe that you can see who is viewing your profile!I just saw my top 10 profile peekers and I am SHOCKED from who is viewing my profile!You can also see WHO VIEWED YOUR PROFILE here: >>> https://apps.facebook.com/profile_asaqwq/

  7. I wiggled the wires on the switch and it closed disconected the wires now have a stuck close sun roof.
  8. dobeat

    Dumb Brakes

    does replacing the booster fix the problem?dont care if I have to replace just hate chasing my tale replacing everything to not fix the problem!ide take it to dandenong but reside on the gold coast
  9. dobeat

    Dumb Brakes

    the hand brake has been ajusted it dosnt seem to be that, my mechanic seems to think it is the master cylinder,it gets hot and the brakes lets go with a funny sound like they are bent or something
  10. v8 drive today good fun overtook 6 cars in 8 lapsbloody slow Late model camira drivers

  11. Cant sleep go to bed brain

  12. dobeat

    Dumb Brakes

    03 xr6 turbo, when I drive it for more than half an hour the back mainly the drivers side rub and heat up then stick. ive had the master cylinder ajusted and that seamed to work for a while then it comes back. there is no play in the pedal when this happens even though when I had them ajusted (master cylinder)there was play I dont know where to start next.it seem s it was ok until I got into the abs one day.please help .ps my sunroof got stuck open and it turned out to be broken wires on the switch.
  13. please help my sunroof is stuck in the tilt position and wont close the lights come on on the switch and the windows still work is there a manuel over ride please help as its raining on my leather interior
  14. dobeat

    Saying Hi

    hi all just saying hi and tell everyne how happy I am with my xr6 t that I just bought blueprint blue leather sunroof lash tune centre muffler removed vavlesprings 12psi 283 at back wheels not a bad start looks great on 20" cromies
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