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  1. yeah b series it is...im stuck...spewing, I saved money to fix the heater to now spend it at an auto electrican !
  2. Are you sure there is no solenoid ? how does it release the boot and or fuel cap ? I can hear a click sound from the plug on the far right under the ICC, im worry ive broken something !!!
  3. nah its not that, the lights flash when I push the boot button on the keypad but just doesnt open ? so im thinking maybe something isnt plugged in ? but wondering why its clicking from underneath the ICC but nothing happens?
  4. Hi All, On the weekend I had a broken heater shaft, sucks but I managed to pull everything out and replace the shaft. That was great till 4 days later I went to fill up with petrol and well...petrol cap wont release, nor will the boot so I figured I didnt plug everything back in ! However I have pulled the fuse box out and everything is plugged in, when I push the petrol button, no sound nothing happens, when I push the boot release, a small "click" comes from the bottom of the ICC. I have taken everything out around the dash and all 4 plugs were plugged into the bottom of the ICC, I pulled out the right plug, it stopped making the clicking sound however plug back in, wa-la the sound is back ? Does anyone have any thoughts as im stumped ? I thought it might be fuse but theres a million under there if anyone knows which one it is ? Hope someone can help !!! Cheers !
  5. Hi All, On the weekend I had a broken heater shaft, sucks but I managed to pull everything out and replace the shaft. That was great till 4 days later I went to fill up with petrol and well...petrol cap wont release, nor will the boot so I figured I didnt plug everything back in ! However I have pulled the fuse box out and everything is plugged in, when I push the petrol button, no sound nothing happens, when I push the boot release, a small "click" comes from the bottom of the ICC. I have taken everything out around the dash and all 4 plugs were plugged into the bottom of the ICC, I pulled out the right plug, it stopped making the clicking sound however plug back in, wa-la the sound is back ? Does anyone have any thoughts as im stumped ? I thought it might be fuse but theres a million under there if anyone knows which one it is ? Hope someone can help !!! Cheers !
  6. yeah its just single zone, no hot air what so ever ! Does the whole dash gota come out or just the centre console ?
  7. Hi Guys, I know this is probably a common issue as I have googled so much lately !! however my heater isnt working in my 2004 BA mk2. I keep reading it could be the air mix shaft, or the HIM module? Is there a way or knowing which one it is before taking out the dash ?? The mixer turns to the left and the air con kicks in, works a treat. turn it too the right ( heat ), nothing happens !!! Can anyone suggest some options to do/look at before I start taking the dash out ? Greatly appreciate any help !!!!
  8. Would I have to follow this to take my dash out just for the air mix shaft ? im pretty sure my air mix shaft has broken and im unsure weather do I take out the centre console or do I take out the whole dash ??
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