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Everything posted by Banned1

  1. back on topic, some parts of glasgow are a no go zone and when I was growing up , it was a slum ! total sh*thole.. here's a pic but way worse than this ! glasgow has the bad rap of having hte highest knife crime in europe ! higher than london that has 10 times the population ! very dangerous place !
  2. whiskey is kept in ireland and scotland for the harsh/common//peasant punters, we sell the good/refined/expensive WHISKY abroad !
  3. grandfather is from donegal, gran from near glasgow..so I am a celtic hybrid ! a bit of Celtic factual trivia ! Scots and Irish are all related through alcohol !
  4. Yeah of course, its not an attack, just my life experience but will leave it at that ! also, I am Scot, dont be calling me a pom now, ya hear !
  5. well, to the guy who said get out ands travel..... lived in spain, crazy canarians ! been all over europe, the US, hong kong/australia/NZ Ireland and all of UK... still cant like Indians and paki's as a race ! .... they take take take and send all their UK?Aussie earned money and send it back to asia along with a passport to be doctored to fool the UK customs, arrive illegally, have kids and then live illegally ! pay nothing back in, segregate and create ghetto's and wont even learn the language ! I can't stand that mentallity ! I am scots, live and work in OZ and pay my way/have aussie mates, buy aussie products and sell aussie made blinds and shutters... live in an aussie estate and enjoy aussie life ! whats so hard about it ? nothing ! they want all your comforts but dont want you (aussies or brits ! )but want your charity ! no chance ! sink or swim ! .... better get used to it ! rant over !
  6. bit if a sick joke but my mate said " it was half under water....only problem is that 1/2 still isn't ! " I (as a Brit) am sick of the "poor us" and guilt trips you get ! especially when they wont integrate into the country.... ah, don't start me on this sh*t !
  7. what pisses me off id this.... they all bleat on about charity etc and what the rest of the worlds can do for them,....meanwhile the prime minister was in the UK supping earl grey with that wanker of a prime minister Cameron ! Priorities ! that's what it is ! cupid stunt thinks visiting the UK while his own people suffer is acceptable ! ( he stayed a week or more after the floods !) !
  8. yeah they seem real decent ! guys face was a picture as I popped the boot to put my tools back in it after going away in Glenns car to do a small job I had down there ! KISS blaring out my ipod !, I said, do you like KISS ? er, yeah mate....
  9. top gear magazine article wass in the golden casket shop today, didnt read it, only the headline ! " hsv gts sucks ass, fpv 335 kicks ass "!
  10. you'll find it getting faster after a few weeks, ours did and I swear it still is !
  11. ok, just back from Q Ford and its 3k klms service(checkover thingy), New H.I.M module, it threw 2 codes but didnt act up while there, so they changed it anyway.. now freezing cold and no hot feet/cold face syndrome ! big kudos to them ! only complaint (well not really a complaint!) caught the mechanic with the ipod turned up so loud I could hear it outside (he didnt see me there !) but it was KISS so he was forgiven ! good job, nice people in there !
  12. no under boot cover , just bare ! bonnet has though.. that would be cheap ass move if it didnt have it !
  13. what I meant is this, 60k with a potential ofr being hammmered ! mates a cop, so is wifes friend (woman) both tell of flogging their cars and ive seen them pass me like I am going backwards ! so I stand by 31k for a year old chaser(60k, basic fit out, *beep* burns, pen marks and not as good as it might be for that money) is a sh*t load of dosh ! up to you mate, as long as your happy with it then it doesnt matter what I/we think ! :hiwelcome:
  14. couldnt have been that good, he's getting change ! :hiwelcome:
  15. just a thought, check cam chain tensioner too ! I am sure its a tappet/lifter noise but since its right at the front also, check cam chain tensioner ! forgot to ask how old the car is but in saying that, my old ef hasnt needed asdjusting at all so I doubt its that....I could go on arguing with myself all night but I can't be bothered...
  16. could also be cam chain needing tightened a little but I'd hedge my bets on a fresh oil change and a little drive for 10 mins followed by a bootfull ! * disclaimer, this advice is neither warranted for mechanical guarantee nor performance gains !*
  17. they're only worth 8k new ! not after a solid years flogging !
  18. how much is a few K more ? brand new 44k , zero klms !or even 35 for a privately owned minter ! I really fail to see the 30k in a year old hammered ex cop chaser.. I really do , sorry mate !
  19. actually , that price is about right for a rectal examination !
  20. why cant I get customers like you ? sorry mate, shafted ! oil= 70 bucks, labour 30 mins ? if it was just an oil service ? no other work done ?
  21. rod will knock and after a spirited drive will either exit the block or get so loud you go deaf or just drop power really badly, mine done the last with the small end going and the first when the bottom end went ! big hole, loads of smoke and a dead motor ! , I said to the mate(after I flogged an SLK Kompressor) that tappets getting loud ! shortly later we were enjoying a beer awaiting a tow truck !
  22. just an old mechanics trick for locating a noise ! I put my thumb between the screw driver and my ear or a bit of rag as it can be loud in my wee sensitive ears ! you will still hear the difference and locate the offending tappet , its easy now as wifes a nurse and I steal her stethy ! !
  23. I am going this way with the work EF wagon ! not to this extent but gonna turbo it for sure !
  24. +1 on an oil change ! ive done a big end (dull)and a little end(higher pitched but similar knock !) on a subaru(DIFFERENT TIMES), when it happens, you will know ! sounds like a sticky tappet so an oil change and a little run tell. also, you can tell which one it is with a long screw driver from your ear to the cam cover or I used the wifes stethescope on the XG when it had a sticky tappet, she never even knew !
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