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Banned1 last won the day on November 8 2013

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    enduro, fishing, ama motocross and best of all, MotoGP !
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  1. Yep, lots of complaints, thousands per week, you're absolutely right.....again !
  2. Thanks, that makes sense.
  3. Public forum darling, do yourself a favour, don't try and teach the teacher about sh*t you have NFI about and I'll be good ok ? Ps, when faced with facts from experienced people, name calling makes you look more stupid and ignorant than me ! :D
  4. So, d'you suggest that a 4" shorter intake like the PW or one of those types that stainless makes are good for feeding more air in ?
  5. He's saying I was having a go at you mate for giving an example of why its good to feed the leather.....I wasn't at all. I wasn't even having a go at him but he doesn't want to listen, only wants support that he's right, well, he wasn't in this case but knows better, I was trying to put it politely blaming the pic but to be honest, that doesn't work with pig headed ness...:(
  6. Haha yeah, whatever mate, misread or misrepresent anything and everything you want to make yourself look correct, I don't really care. As for the other fella, Its like everything else, look after it, it'll last, if you call giving examples "jumping down his throat"( I wasn't having a go at all honest advice is what it was ) then yeah I suppose I did but hey, I haven't a clue about fabrics and materials, I walk about with a white stick and a Labrador most days. But even now, you'll know better, yer missus will know better and a service dude will know better. Peeling works like a blister mostly, isn't linear like yours at all. I don't care if you get it replaced, it doesn't cost me a cent at all. We use whatever spec and supplier architects or customer specifies, we don't sell it, we remake or renovate old wing back chairs etc (send to upholsterers) .if you can con your dealer with this, good on ya , just pray ford don't get a leather place to look at it ! Wanna come do some work for us ? I am sure your know it all attention to detail will serve you well , goose !
  7. Spent a long time in Subaru world, imported part time for sideline, loved it. However, they're pretty bad for understeer which is corrected mostly by an up rated rear anti roll bar(sway bar ) . Rear seems to sort the front on them so I wonder if the falcon could benefit from this ?
  8. 500 450 auto 50 manual, 2 in silver, I have one if them !
  9. Does a wooden fence need painting ? Does grass need cutting ? Do windows need washing ? No, but they look and work better/last longer etc with a bit of care and maintenance. Ps, what is "real " leather ?? Ask the professional above or go see his dealer, he knows what is and isn't, apparently. ! Peeling leather vvvvvv I should clarify, I own a blind and curtain shop(have done for almost 20yrs) , we also do hotel work, complete interior renovations , blinds, curtains, awnings,matching pelmets, padded bed throws, 4 posters (medieval themes etc) SEAT UPHOLSTERY, LEATHER, suede etc..... Doh ! :D
  10. Ye see, I don't want revs, I don't want to have to drop motor to do oil pump gears and after having a dc2 type R, I have no desire to rev the nuts off a motor, I don't like the feel of it and the sound isn't my cup of tea, bit like 2 stroke and 4 stroke dirt bikes or v twin over 4 cyl bikes. Prefer short shifting, Grunty power to high revs and long gearing.
  11. 43 out 45 back 9 Couldn't miss a putt today, that's my main credit to my game anyway so I naturally putt well but today was exceptional, pity my bunker play was sh*t as it cost me easily 10 shots but pelican waters bunkers are very steep and to get out at all is a bonus....bastard of a game ! :D
  12. As I thought, so about 320 is the limit or are there any out there making more ? Any other turbos that spool up as quick with minimum lag that'll shove 370-400 ?
  13. I like the small turbo setup for the road, comes in hard, pulls early and has nice power. Would like a little more grunt from 2000-4000 but being picky at that. What other little tweaks can be done to get more using normal fuel, not interested in E85, do way too many Klms to be viable.
  14. I tee off at 6.30 tomorrow, going to remove my R11 driver and go back to my ftiQ driver, I can't get rid of the fade on my R11 but it suits my bag :D Anyway, got a bit of driver/rescue yips at the moment, swing is short and snappy, driving me mad ! Bastard of a game invented by those twisted Scots ! :D I usually get people expecting me to be a decent player cos I am Scots, I surprise them by playing constantly......sh*t ! :D
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