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Everything posted by BigAl's04

  1. So let me get this straight. You haven't even got your P's yet and you want a powerful car? Why do you think these restrictions are in place? It's to stop people like you with stuff all driving experience going out and buying high powered cars and wrapping them around a tree/pole/another car. Why do you think you need more power than a stock n/a BA/BF xr6? So that you can show off to your mates? Or to street race? Either way you will most likely end up killing yourself and/or your mates. Wake up to yourself. /;endrant.
  2. Poofta. (Cos you can't say H0MO)
  3. Mum says Hi. She also said to tell you she's not sure who had the chlamydia first but she's booked you both in to see her GP next week.
  4. #were. "You never were." "Where did you get that from." And thus concludes todays engrish lesson. PS. My mum says I'm cool.
  5. But you're still going to dance right? Otherwise how will he know how to install them?
  6. Don't think so Luke. Bout the only thing they looked at on the car when they pulled me over was the tires. Yeah Ace. Give it that rustic look.
  7. Out of the skip bin behind most carpet joints?
  8. Yeah we worked that out when you started dating Pazzo.
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