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Everything posted by BigAl's04

  1. Noticed "XR SEX" Qld plates are on Ebay for $3,000. Not sure how to post link.
  2. Yeah o2 sensor didn't do sh*t. Must just be the sh*tty tune making it run rich. Going in for another comp test tomorrow. Ahh well looks like I'll be getting my motor built sooneer then I thought. Bring on 450rwkw
  3. ^Checked compression on it today. Seems fine but it's running rich as fark for some reason. Going to throw a new o2 sensor on it tomorrow to see if that sorts it. If not I will have to take it to someone who actually nows how to tune these cars. Someone was saying the Monaro had 400 at the wheels at KFC. I think we all just assumed it was kw.
  4. We've been doing a few short ones lately (50-60kms. couple hrs with stops) The one next weekend will probably take about 5hrs with stops. (200 odd kms)
  5. Can't comment on the KU36's but just got a pair of NT05's 255/35/20's fitted to my 400rwkw BF and they made a sh*tload of difference to the KU31's. Used to spin right to the top end of third with KU31's. The NT05's hook up in 2nd.
  6. Where did old mate in the Monaro dissappear too? Was waiting for him to catch up again.
  7. ^Mark you don't even own an XR. Hopefully have mine sorted by next weekend.
  8. Poker is in Murwillimbah so might go down and play and meet up with you guys when you get there.
  9. Hmmm. Supposed to be playing in the regionals for poker on sunday but 2 of my mates have VE Bogan special utes so if I can convince them to come along might ditch poker. PS. They both have Chev badges.
  10. Does it ever stop raining here? :headbang2:
  11. Seen them on Ebay for $45 each.
  12. ^No not off the top of my head mate. Happened about 8 months ago. Too many drinks between then and now.
  13. When I had a broken wire between the TPS and the PCM my SCT showed a code saying "lost communication with PCM"
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