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Everything posted by BigAl's04

  1. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/81201-3499rwkw-ba-gtx3582-auto/page__st__40#entry1291955
  2. Would you fit 295's under the rear of a BF sedan?
  3. 59. QLD Alan Street/ TOX16/ RDP BF xr6 sedan/ Willowbank/ 11.02 129. Soon to join the 10sec group. (Hopefully)
  4. At least you waited until after you tried to work on your car to get drunk this time.
  5. http://youtu.be/NlD-ROm3Ye8
  6. 1st time out. ZF being a slut. 29 deg. Can only get better I guess.
  7. Cheers mate. Got a mate to film a couple runs. Will put them on youtube tomorrow.
  8. Took the car to Willowbank for the first time tonight. First run was the best. 11.018 :headbang2: @ 129mph with a 1.8 60'. Had 7 runs all around 11.01-11.35 around 130mph with1.8-2.1 60's. The 2 issues I had tonight were my launches (couldn't stall over 2000rpm on the line. Hence the 60' times) And the stock zf not changing from 3rd to 4th. Hopefully a 3000rpm stall will help to get those 60's down and the built zf might actually change into 4th for me.
  9. Best run of the night was the first one. 11.018@129mph. with a 1.8 60'. Was running around 130mph every pass as zf wouldn't change into 4th. Slowest run on the MT's went 11.358. Then at the end of the night for sh*ts and giggles I did a pass on my street tyres and went 11.734. Definately need a stall to get into the 10's as all my 60's were 1.8-2.1. Should have the built zf and 3000rpm stall in the car early next year then I'll have another crack.
  10. It will get sorted. It's just a matter of "How long?" and "How much?"
  11. Sh*t that's no good mate. Hope you get it sorted. The joys of building cars aye.
  12. Yeah not expecting miracles as this will be my first time at the track. Just wanting to get a feel for the car and the strip. Getting the launches down pat might take a few runs.
  13. Been trying to get up there for the last 3 weeks and something has come up every time. Tomorrow is supposed to be the stinker they reckon. Then around 33 on Wed.
  14. Was actually quoting a post Ace made earlier. He has a route planned for the north side of Brissy.
  15. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/74865-the-nitto-tyres-thread-invo-nt01-nt05-nt05r-special-pricing-update/ Think it was $320 a tire. Got them through Taleb Tires.
  16. I use Nitto NTO5's and they stick pretty well considering I'm running over 650hp.
  17. Weather looks good for this Wednseday Is anyone heading out to Willowbank?
  18. Since they have to take the wheels off to balance them anyway you might aswell save your time and effort and let them change them. And yeah you will need new wheel nuts. Just get the wheelnuts to suit BF.
  19. Mark. You don't have to quote the post directly above yours. Just add reply.
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