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Everything posted by BigAl's04

  1. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/83001-tuner-in-brisbane/
  2. We found it was leaning out when we put it back on the dyno. There was probably more than 5% difference as I'd say there was still a few litres of 98 left in the tank when it was first filled with eflex. I'm not a tuner aybe it was just my tuner coming up with excuses. All I know is I was told the eflex was tested to 73% before it was put in the car. Ran fine for the first tank. Then a week or so later filled up again from the same servo and filled 2 jerry cans as was planning to go to Willowbank. Was on my way to FPT to pick up some ET streets when I noticed the car was running rough at WOT so I asked Jamie to run it up on the dyno and AFR's were around 14.5 (were tuned to 11.2-11) tested the eflex in the jerry cans (same as what was put in tank) and it tested at 78%. I am not a tuner and this is my 1st experience with e85 so feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
  3. How long did it take you to remove/refit plenum Impellor? If you want to see how much better it flows we could meet up at RDP and put it on my car and run it on the dyno. Lee said my stock plenum is what's holding me back from more power. Could do back to back runs and get a real comparison. Would have to be before 21/1/13 though. Cheers.
  4. Interested to see how this goes as my stock intake plenum is at its limits(558hp on 98 and 676hp on eflex.) PS. Do you think your black airbox will rob you of any power? Cheers
  5. If your car has been tuned on 85% and next time you fill up it's 95% It's going to lean out. I had this problem with eflex. When it was tuned the eflex was 73%. Bout a week later filled up and car was leaning out. Tested the eflex and it was 78%. United seem to have a higher ethanol content but are just as inconsistent as caltex. Sucrogen FTW. Edit. All tuners should put a decent margin in it no matter what % it is considering the inconsistencies found with pump e-70-95%
  6. Rice Bubbles. (But if it goes snap crackle pop Mark you've probably got a seed in there.)
  7. #427/409 = 18kw difference. Cheers.
  8. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/11632-qld-events-and-cruises/page__st__2040#entry1330136 I'm sure Ace will have more info on it in the new year. In my experience you're better off waiting till a week or 2 before the cruise to try and organise finer details as everyone tends to lose interest after a couple weeks. 13th sounds good though. My car gets impounded for 3 months on the 21st. Just need to get someone else to drive it on the cruise for me as if I get caught driving it again they will take it off me for good.
  9. Short block is just the bare block with all internal parts but you will need all your externals of your old block (Balancer, Water pump, Pulleys, Flywheel etc.)You may have to swap sumps too (not sure on this) as the BF has an external oil cooler whereas the BA doesn't. It would be wise to run it in on around 6-8psi for the first 3000k's.
  10. Or you could buy the BF and put an FG bar on it.
  11. Mufflers to the max in Ashmore on the Gold Coast are pretty good if you are willing to travel.
  12. Just SMASH MY DATE 23 in the mid cheers uleh
  13. Yeah mate there is one just up the road from Hi-Torque.
  14. The car is only impounded for 3 months. And if I go away I couldn't see it being any longer than 3 months. So by winter time I should get another chance to race it. It will just have to be trailered to the track and back. If I do part it out and sell it I want to crack a 10 with it first.
  15. Thanks guys. Preparing myself for the worst as this is actually the 2nd time I've been caught driving whilst disqualified. The prosecutor wanted the judge to give me a suspended sentence last time round but the judge let me off with a $1200 fine and 2 years disqualified. As for the work I'm just going to have to employ a driver for 2-3 days a week to service my vending machines. Suspended sentence or jail term, either way I think it's the wakeup call I needed to settle down and think more about my family and simply farking grow up.
  16. Just hard when you know you've got over 650hp under that right foot. Sorry meant strip more so than track. Parting it out may be an option. As it stands the car owes me over $50k that's why I don't want to sell it Hmm got a lot of thinking to do over the next 3 months.
  17. Yeah I understand that it's only through my own stupidity that I'm in this situation now. As far as parking up the car until I get my licence back. Last time I went to court I was disqualified for 2 years. So it will probably be longer this time. Don't really want to store it for that long. And even if I did. How long do you think it would take me to lose my licence again if I drive it on the street?
  18. It may have already been covered in here. But how long can you leave E85 sitting in your car for? Mine has just been impounded for 3 months and has 3/4 of a tank of Eflex in it. Should I go to the impound yard and request to drain/swap the fuel that's in it?
  19. OK here goes. As a few of you already know I've been lacking that little piece of plastic that allows you to drive a car on a public road due to previous shenanigans. Well it all caught up with me tonight when I went past a unmarked FG which happened to do a rego check on me. End result is the car has now been impounded for 3 months as this isn't the first time I've been caught driving disqualified. It all started with a demerit point suspension and because I can't bring myself to stop driving has escalated from there. So when I get the car back after the three months I think I'll be turning it into a track car only with full cage, Stripped interior etc. Didn't really want to go down that path but with the money I've spent on it I couldn't bring myself to sell it and if I get caught driving it on the street again I'll lose it for good. Flame me if you like . it was a stupid decision on my part to drive it but after having the independance of your own car and license for over 10 years makes it really hard to just give it up. Just wondering too. The car has 3/4 of a tank of Eflex in it. Will this do any damage to my fuel system sitting in the car for 3 months?
  20. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/83001-tuner-in-brisbane/
  21. I just had to replace my power steering hose because of said rubbing (BF) I just bent the new hose a bit before I put it on and I've got about 30mm clearance now.
  22. Fkr. Gimme my 2 mins back.
  23. Cheers I just wanted to be kewl too.
  24. Yeah mines an 05 BF1 xr6 and it has the ZF.
  25. Couple little tricks I've learnt is to go slow as fark on the straights to let everyone get ahead of you before the twisties or pull over on a straight somewhere and wait till you get a big gap in traffic and as soon as you see the next car coming take off again.
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