I do understand your point and yes in context it has merit. However, it has nothing to do with the ZF tune that is now available, so I fail to see why you’re complaining when you should be celebrating? New software requires new hardware sometimes. The Xcal 1 was canned yes, sucks totally for anyone who purchased it. But you need to know why that happened... Sometime approximately in 2008/09 the USA switched of all SCT tuners here in Australia over an alleged contract breach from the first distributor, having thousands of customers & over 65 tune shops Australia wide left in the dark. Rob Herrod ''Herrod Motorsport'' has now taken the reins & rebuilt what was a total collapse of the SCT Ford tuning industry. In 2010, Rob Herrod true to his promise has provided tuners, Australia wide with an unparallel service & open table relationship with SCT in the USA which in turn have provided us ''the tuners'' with up to date software which is also why the x1 had to go... due to the constant challenge & the demands of our Ford enthusiasts with the introduction of the ZF 6 speed auto, it has SCT hard at work in developing the latest upgrades once again. Hence, the X3 was developed. It wasn't Rob Herrod's fault and he did give a special offer to all Xcal1 owners. Herrod Motorsport offered for 90 days only, from the 16th June 2010, to the end user a $200.00 factory rebate on the purchase of a new X3 tuning device. Conditions of the rebate are that it must be returned to Herrod Motorsport unlocked and be accompanied by a copy of invoice from the Supplier/Tuner from which the new X3 unit was purchased. I know what you’re saying and I agree with your disappointment, however this shouldn’t relate to the ZF Tune and its costing. It’s a completely separate topic. The situation relating to the Xcal 1 and SCT should be left in the past as much as it was wrong and totally sucks, lets move on yeah? You can’t expect a tuner to spend a day or two tuning your ZF Gearbox, testing it etc and cost you nothing? Regardless of the points discussed the benefits with this new tuning software is so worth it for ZF gearbox owners. Let’s let the people who have had it done have their say regarding its value for results.