Learnt to drive in my dads 78 (rolls royce grill) LTD.. 351,fmx 9inch.. purschased new Datsun 1500 ute XAGT 4 door XBGT Red pepper coupe 351 manual ex-interceptor VL Turbo ex-chaser HSV VR Clubsport manual HSV VR GTS manual (one of the 1st supercharged cars in the country 400kws+ in the early 90,s) HSV VT GTS manual (aussie stroker) HSV VX GTS manual (LS motor) Now FG XRT- auto-winter white (there have been afew quick buy and sells in between.. ranging from an A9X.. E-38 Charger and acouple of XYGT's (vermillion and Yellow glow) Bit of a "dark period" there .. with fords book ending my journey thus far. But in saying that.. personally up till the FG Ford didnt really raise the bar high enough to jump camps again. But loving the whole turbo experience.. rattles,squeaks and all Without drawing direct comparisons, it reminds me so much of my VL-once modified-which to this day still has been my favourite ride!! Oh and to put it into perspective.. Im 44...