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Everything posted by jimmixr

  1. Fitted up my FR19's to my FG Fronts are 19x9 and rears 19x10' respectively. Rear tyres are 275/30 ..and with SSSL kings have no clearance issues. Sit flush with the guard. Now its the offsets Im not sure of. But Ill measure them up if any ones interested. I was previously running the FR,s at 8.5 and 9.5.. and thanks to a certain wheel whore with a black XR8 on this forum ...I was left wondering.. what if ?!?!? So I did and am extremely pleased with the results.. Maybe Tochi can figure out the offsets ???
  2. Mate I was the one in the other lane whem you did that pass FG XRT I was watching you come up behind me and pass! The sight and sound of that thing was incredible Well done..
  3. FG XR6T.. ZF AUTO 19' 275 KU31 KUHMO tyres Stock apart from XR8 air box 12.802 @ 109.61 MPH 2.017 60ft lastnite at the creek
  4. Get in there quick boys with your rattle warranty claims....!!!! FORD will only warrant "rattles" to 3000kms! Found out the hard way. Its also mentioned in your booklet.
  5. Only way to delete rear spoiler is to purchase a new bootlid. I replaced mine and it cost me just on $300 trade price from FORD. Then you have to add the Centre brake light in the rear parcel shelf. I also fitted the G6 boot lid liner. A nice finishing touch as they look "unfinished " without it in my opinion. My T is Winter white so colour matching was easier. I used the original boot mould and delete badges.
  6. Yeah it has settled well. Measurement from hb to wheel arch (rear is 330) Pat quoted 340.. so its actually gone lower. This is immediately after.. not driven. Have covered 100kays and its come down. I actually want it to stop lol Have 9.5x19 FR19's ready to go on... will post more
  7. Did mine last saturday SSL and SSSL REAR Koni reds.. Still settling and an incredibly smooth and controlled ride. Better than standard.. hands down
  8. Just dont go to carwashs.. fullstop! Maybe a not touch system but most of them recycle the water (by law). So if someone before you has covered their car in amourall and the like, the filtration system cant remove that.. so it ends up on your car... hence streaks and the like.
  9. I started reading ypor post with interest... great interest I must say. Then you start comparing the manual in the FG with the likes of the toploader and single rail borgwarner?!?! You clearly havent driven alot of "good" manual gearboxes Start talking BMW M3 or M5 ! Any S series Audi.. merc etc..and then and only then can you draw a comparison on just how good or bad the box in the FG is. I can tell you now.. from experiece... they are crap.. in such company. Slow and baulky. Sorry, but that's just fact. Manual or auto? It just comes down to preference.. simple! I can never undestand it when members get on here and ask for other peoples opinion?!?! Go out and drive one.. drive two... then drive it again... youll get to know what flips your lid
  10. Heres what a 40 profile 245x 19 would look like insted of the usual 35.. It does change the whole "look" of the wheel Its just a worn secondhand tyre I managed to get to try before purchasing new tyres What does everyone think?? Opinions would be great Oh.. it will be lowered..eventually Thanks Jimmi
  11. Tocchi.. we,d talked about getting you my 3" inch lips.. but youve infected my head so I may just hold onto them for future craziness Cheers mate
  12. Yes mate.. quite common Include Pedders !!! Shocking.. no pun intended Get yourself some kings.
  13. Heres my contribution, not 20,s but it will give you an idea how easily the FG's cavernous guards just swallow wheels. They're 19x9.5 & 8.5.. just had them custom made and not too sure on the offsets. Id say the fronts are standard fare with the rears maybe being +36??? I do know that the rears are flush, if not just alittle proud of the guard. Will lower 1st then pick the rubber to suite Cheers Jimmi
  14. FPV would do itself a huge favour by deleting the button... real P.I.T.A !!
  15. larger diameter wheels will affect braking performance.. just the law of physics.. And acceleration for that matter..
  16. I was just thinking about this topic the other day... A week and a half ago I was in an unfortunate position of witnessing a sickening accident.. and a more unfortunate ,and may I say traumatic, position of being the 1st on the scene and trying to help this young P plater in his Integra Type R after he slammed into a brick wall on pennant Hills road at Carlingford NSW. He was trapped.. engine block in his lap and his left leg amputated at his knee. Ill never forget the look in his eyes.. never. Hell never run.. dance or do things we all take for granted. Split second and his life changed for ever. I walked back to my T and just stared at it... almost with contempt... For the 1st time in my life.. it "scared me".. literally Ive had fast cars all my life.. From my 1st and modded VL turbo in the late eighties , right through GT falcons and supercharged HSV's and now my FG.. but Ive always had a respect for such vehicles. Yes 400 is the new 300 and the way we just flout these numbers is insane these days! That is some serious horespower and well in excess any of us will ever care to use..safely .. in any situation let alone on public roads. Not being a stick in the mud.. just stating some facts. Yep.. I still wonder how this young guy is doing... and I still inhale any information on how to get my T boogying.. Im such a hypocrite
  17. Adrian.. closing the gap does promote a stronger spark and with increased boost helps eliminate the spark being blown out before ignition of the cylinder. But in saying that going too small doesnt expose enough spark to ignite in the fuel charge.. So basically its a fine line.. and .8 is about it. I have seen some guys use smaller gaps but were talking insane boost and even crazier ignition system that would light a small town Hope this helps Cheers
  18. Cop budget doesnt allow for premium.. so theyre flogged on standard juice... Mark at INJECTION PERFECTION calibrates the speedos and does an odd power run.. Has found them to be alittle bit "loose" or words to that effect. They are not fettled with , as in acouple of extra pouds for pursuit.. standard boost.. standard everything..
  19. Is it just me or is there a huge lack of wheel choice out there?!?! The GM guys seem to have alot more choice! When I started looking I became so disheartened... It comes down to a compromise at the end of the day.. offset, width and colour etc Cant knock some of the Jap stuff.. but I just cant help but theing "skyline"... But atleast no one can accuse us of not being resourseful !!!
  20. Gee.. wow.. Thanks for that... Have last of the EURO 3's but will still have a squize Thanks again Jimmi
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