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Everything posted by jimmixr

  1. No way !! .. unless your at standard ride height..
  2. wayno.. no issues with 275's 285,s most probably.. depending on brand of tyre. Some are wider than others even though theyre advertised as a 285. Ive had to roll my rear guards and then some ... Cheers
  3. Found my Invo 285's the same..getting better slowly We need oics worm !!!!!
  4. Mine weighed in at 10.2 and 10.8 respectively. Lighter than the factory 18's. It really does sweeten the steering response. But in saying that I did forfeit unsprung weight by going 6/4 Brembos. Those rotors weigh a ton..
  5. This is all I was trying to achieve with my earlier post... A more evened and balanced arguement. Its fine if your one eyd about a certain brand.. but realistically, like it or not.. out T's have short comings as do the red team. Yep.. I miss the lop of a cammed 8.. spent the last 15 years in HSV's... but man the rush of the turbo has its own attributes.
  6. Beg to differ winstor... Chalk and cheese ! and even that's an understatment !! I suppose its either form or function... I just wanted both Had 20' dark argents and they were atrocious. Seriouly the effect the weight of those things had on the overall dynamics of the car was unbelievable. Yes 20's make a difference but not as much as what people think.
  7. At the end of that tube there was another tube with the same tuner. He said the stock GTS pulled 268kws.. He then went on to do exhaust, air intake and tune. Finished up with 303rwkw. That seems more like it. I wouldnt underestimate the HSV's...They are a great car to drive.. fat midrange and predictable power. Turbos may have the advantage but their on/off nature can get frustrating at times. And we mustnt forget.. if it wasnt for the efforts of holden/HSV over the years.. it kept Ford on their toes .. even from all the way back to 82 when it dropped the mighty cleavland..in my eyes.. it wasnt really till the Miami came along that ford was finally back in the race Not discrediting the mighty F6.. but theyre not V8's at the end of the day... So if your mate wants a HSV he wont be dissapointed.. because for some its not all about 400m sprints ..but more the bits in the middle. And rest assured.. Expensive Daewoo will have ford up against the ropes when it released their S/C variant in the not so distant future. Now thatll be a stouch worth watching!! Cheers
  8. Jet.. did you get your front guards rolled ? flared ??
  9. Oooh !! +30 9" fronts ! Perfect fitment !!!
  10. Got the TSW' cheaper than than here in aus... Looked at the avante's .. but theyre just cast.. heavier than the TSW's.. Plus I couldnt find the sizing and offset I wanted. Loo good though Cheers
  11. They look smaller.. could be just the tyre stretch giving it that illusuion..
  12. I like those worm..the rear look insane. But for the life of me they dont look like 20's !! Anyone wanting 9's on the front of an FG would be looking at a +30 for them to sit where mine are currently with the 8.5 inch rims
  13. Mild rubbing on inner guard.. will have a better look later today. But in saying that, Im running SSSL kings front. You could go +15 easy to flush it..
  14. Have had numerous offers for the FR's but Ill keep them till Im ready to move the FG on.. I like to alternate wheels from time to time Cheers
  15. Rears are +40 and fronts +20 Had the rear guards lipped yesterday.. all good. Minor scrapping on inner front guards.. just some plastic to heat and massage.. Cheers
  16. If your in Sydney.. Morton & May at chipping Norton provide this service...
  17. There number is 03 94155571 Talk to Dimitri I paid $825.. As I said.. It just slotted straight in.. no fiddling or adjusting. To give you an idea.. I can get X Force at wholesale.. but I chose not too..
  18. You may find that 255 is too wide for an 8 inch rim. Also a possibility of the tyre fouling the upper control arm.. Personally I found these wheels very heavy. Dulled handling and acceleration... even braking.. But yeah.. they sure look good !!!
  19. I does exist.. that the dump/cat in Pic 1. XR developments in Melbourne. Have purchased 2 of these so far and they bolt directly into the stock system. Fit really well.. fuss free. Talk to Dimitri.. very helpful guy.. Cheers
  20. Sorry .. thought your fronts were 8's.. So the TSW will be a further out 16mm than yours Corzza. Mocked them up again this arvo. Basically the edge of the rim sits about 3mm from the guard. Ill be rolling the guards ..rear because Ill have too.. fronts for peace of mind.
  21. Sounds good, but from where I was standing it didnt..... I called the guys in NZ to get info from the guy who owns the black F6 Sent him the pics to confirm and he just replied. The fronts are definitely 20x8.5 @+20 with a 255/35x20 rears.. now get this.. 20x10.5 @+25 with a 305/25x20 !!!!!!! Apparently the rear guards have been pumped and re-sprayed. Its a 500rwhp set up.. So.. ... stay tuned.... Iffectively the TSW will be a further 20mm than yours Pete..
  22. Holy crap.. test fitted rims this morning.. rears are perfect.. Fronts.. !! flush as.. and then some lol Looking at it ,and admitedly not having the hub at the right ride hieght theyre sticking out,,, couple of mill Front rim inner edge to uppright ive got alout 20-25mm clearance. The spoke clears the brembo by about 40-50mm Again thsre are rough measurments.. Will fit it up again this arvo.. So pete if yours are +36..and these are + 20.. mine will protrude a further 16mm.. that's going off an 8 inch rim. TSW's are 8.5.. so it will effectively be more Hmmm
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