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Everything posted by jimmixr

  1. Hey Pete.. Yeah not bad.. I still think thers a tenth or two in it. I put some serious heat into them.. 2nd gear burnout. On the night 2000rpm was about the limit between a decent lauch and wheel spin. Dont get me wrong.. when they hooked up you could feel them bite hard.. But you have to get the warm. Im also thinking of going back to my 19inch Simmons next time out..
  2. Thanks guys.. Pretty chuffed cracking an 11 1st time out. Still a bit of touch up on the tune to do. Early days. As average as the track was last night..competitor numbers were way down.. so managed to get 7 runs..and more if I wanted. So it was easy to stay in the groove and get a handle on what the car was doing.. Ran 4x 11.9's,... the other 3 I buggered up. Atleast you can say Im consistant !!
  3. Hey Davo.. If youve fitted the above mention parts without a tune.. Id say you over-boosting.. limp moding and god knows what else!! Definitely not a safe state of affair. Damaging? Most definitely.. Id get it tunes asap. If it has been tuned.. could be your valve springs letting go.. Cheers
  4. It was very slippery. it was spinning into second and theres no tune on the ZF. Making just on 300rwkws.. performance mode with about 25psi in the tyres.. Tried manual but I kept #ucking it up ....
  5. Ran at WISD tonight.. 11.902 @ 118.789 with 1.89 60ft. 285 x 20Invos(260 wear). Couldnt stall it more than 2000rpm or it just went up in smoke. Niz cooler, 1000,s and 4/5inch cat/dump.. standard exhaust.
  6. Man.. just 1/10.. would of got you over !! Well if theres any conciliation.. your consistent. Have you ever thought about a career in bracket racing?!??!
  7. jimmixr

    In The Club

    Thanks for the tips Bomber.. it all helps.. Personally Im not thinking of changing anything from the cat back. But if I did Id probably get a full custom job. There are some switched on exhaust guys out there. They, generally can give you what you want. Sound.. tone and so forth.. But they are suffering. Good on X Force for hitting the market in a big way.. .. but theyve lost a huge chunk of buisiness. Not just from us turbo guys.. but SS,WRX etc..aswell. Anyway.. had my little rant..
  8. Dont you love it! Stock car... Mine went 12.8 @ the same MPH Well done rednose.. very impressive Just trying to fathom that MPH in a 1800KG+ vehicle is mind boggling..!!!
  9. Thanks.. youve just changed my whole perception!! lol Back to therapy :(
  10. Cross support brace.. plastic bumper bar support because of the offset design. The black plastic indertray that fits up underside of the bumper bar. Open up the hot and cold side piping that runs thought the front apron. Notch out a slot for the hot side pipe that protrudes lower than the underside of the bumper bar. Black trim plastic that sits in the grille area just above the intercooler.. Bit hard to explain whats what.. but yeah.. theres abit. But it does just about fill every square inch avaliable. Soft *** ? Yeah maybe.. but Im definitely one for function over form Again it just comes down to personal preferance. I suppose the difference for me was that Nizpro deal with these day in day out. Their R&D happens on a daily basis. The other guys build a cooler.. give it to someone to test.. then sell it. that's it. Feedback come from outside sources. Well always try and justify our choices.. ..
  11. Fitted the Nizpro up on mine the other week. Went for black cooler so its all pretty stealth. Fitting was definitely a chore. But in saying that second time round would be alot easier. Like Ive mentioned before.. definitely not for the faint hearted.. Fair bit of cutting and trimming. But overall Im glad I went this way. Definitely "future mod proof" Silicone hoses are a bonus. Less joins and a smoother path. To me... and I could be just fooling myself.. the offset design just makes sense. It also shortens the path the air has to travel. Cars been on and off the dyno for the past week. Repeated pulls, and Im talking 7 or 8 in a row is showing minimal temperature rise. We'll be logging temps on the street before the tune is finalized. Im not talking the highest or fattest numbers.. I just want consistancy Also managed to route the 3' cold side piping with mt coyote air box. The sound is insane..!!! If anyone one want more detail as to
  12. Been there done than back in the day when I had my VL. There was no other way of enriching the fuel trims. Agricultural..effective enough.. but great bragging rights !!! lol
  13. Im curious as to where the 7th injector is going to be fitted !??!?!
  14. Here comes another sleeper !! Youve definitely put some thought into it.. Diff and bushes 1st is a good idea. Dont htink that cat/dump is Plaz's though. Its an advance unit.. probably just on-sold through them. Word of warning.. fitted the same assembly to mine last week. Found it to be 1inch too long. Had to remove, cut,weld and re-install. Pain in the ass but great sound.. Look forward to the results Cheers
  15. I was in the same position when it came to choosing between the two acouple of years ago. The way I figured it was that I was going to change most things that differentiated a XRT to an F6 anyway. ie brakes,suspension,wheels,,intercooler etc I was over body kits after my HSV's..wanted something a little more subdued I guess but still personalized. Hell I don't think I would of gone as far as I have if I hadn't stumbled across this damn website!! lol.. But all in all I'm happy with my choice.. And that what it comes down too. What you personally feel will fulfill your requirements Either way you really cant go wrong..unless you buy an Bogan special of course !!. Oh.. I must add.. the difference in insurance premiums Cheers
  16. Have a look at your cat.. that could be reason your down on power..
  17. The "Cobra" copies are really early ones... The later copies have the correct shade of grey..or close enough. Original FPV caps are aluminum and dont fit. Bit of machining and they will. The circlip that locks them in isn't deep enough in the wheel for it to lock into position. I know as I purchased FPV caps to fit to my copies before I on sold them. For those that dont want to go to the hassle of expense of original FPV caps theres a way of achieving the "look" at a fraction of the price. Go into ford spare parts and you can purchase the metal FPV key rings. They are the same size as the logo in the centre cap. Grind the tab off where it attachés though the key chain and basically araldite them on. They look great.. But make sure you get the "thinner" keyring.. theres a thicker on that will stick out too far..
  18. Machined lip.. painted and then they clear coat the whole wheel. that's whats peeling.. the clearcot
  19. jimmixr

    In The Club

    Holly Crap!! So approx 10rwks per inch ?!?! Mines on the dyno this week.. may run my 19inch simmons back to back with my 20's.. Id try my stock 18's but Im running rear Brembos..
  20. Looks hot Benny..sits really nice. Ryno.. yeah its a good 12mm. The simmons have a decent lip aswell. Pete.. people pay good money to kick sideways !!!
  21. jimmixr

    In The Club

    Love this car ! Its epitomizes how 90% of us would mod our T's. Nice bolt ons with well thought out wheel/suspension packages. I can relate to the no rain thing. Ive had mine for near on two years and its only seen a wet road once. I degrease and wash the undercarrage evey 6 months.. Ive got an illness :( But in saying that..a "clean" car will always pull more cred that a heavily modified,cruddy one. X Force is very questionable.. I have access to their systems and have instaled for various customers. There hasnt been one system that we havent had to tweak in one way or another. At the end of the day the time spent and quoted to fit the "bolt up " system wasnt worth it. You get what you pay for. Im sure theres plenty that have had had no issues.. but the as a retailers point of view its a pain in the ass. I do have a question.. and its probably not the right section.. But Bomber mentioned that changing wheel diameter changes the dyno reading..and I do understamnd the physics. But the question is.. what would be the average "loss" .. say going from 18's.. 19's and ultimately 20's ?? Also just a note. Anyone getting a stainless X force or any other stainless system for that matter fitted should ask his installer to wipe the system down with brake clean or something similiar before start up. The oil from our fingers will stain the system when it heats up for the 1st time and will stay there. Again.. Ill repeat.. I have an illness . lol
  22. My 19x10 FR19 Simoins are +35 and theres a good half inch to the cotrol blade. Admittedly they only 275/30 Kumhos.. but theres heaps of room. Pete you could be right.. probably wont get rectified till I shag my bushes. Also Im running SSSL rear..so the wheel sits deeper in the guard. From memory your on SSL ?? Personally I dont think its worth the head*uck for an extra half an inch.. In other words..stop putting ideas in my head !!! lol
  23. You know it has to be perfect. If your like me.. Itll bug you everytime you look at it. Better do it pronto before the carbon tax kicks in. Refrigerant is going through the roof!!!
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