Gussa,I personally use the meguiars ultimate quik wax once every month or so,it is easy to apply just wash and dry the car first then one section at a time using a quality microfibre cloth spray on and remove,the results are pretty good,though I still paint clean and re-seal with meguiars nxt sealant every 4 months or so,im no professional detailer and im aware there is better products out there from places like waxit, I find it works well for me is quick and easy, I guess I see it as a top up for the sealant/wax,my car spends the week days in the garage so it doesn't get the crap on it that you get from driving it every day,there might be a few professional detailers on the forum that will be able to give you better advice,but I don't think you'll be able to get away from spending an hour or so once a week to keep it protected and looking good.cheers