Cobramad I have no idea what you just said. Is that Arabic? Why do you hate Australian icons so much? Do you go around killing kangaroos and smashing BBQ's? Shame on you sir.
It's an extra 900 that I don't really want to fork out though lol. Btw is there any clearance differences between BA/F as this cooler doesn't mention bf? They should be the same right?
Buying off eBay for 580 delivered so I hope it's genuine:) Will wack the cooler on first then get a new cat then retune. Cars running so rich at the moment cooler might lean it out a bit:)
No you can't. These cars don't work like that. I'm sure someone will give you a more technical answer soon. If you try cut corners you will blow sh*t up, especially being an early BA with weak rods and the jelly 5spd manual. Do it once do it right!