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Everything posted by j.d

  1. agreed, definetly wanna see some vids of skidpan !!
  2. j.d

    Free Photoshoot...

    haha.. thanx boys keeping my chin up!! and worm your photos have turned out pretty good so far so I cant see why these ones will be duds!
  3. yeh mate most likely ! either in a fg sensation or an audi s5 if u see me give us a wave !!
  4. saw a bionic blue bf the other night in burwood.. plates are xr4ord lookd tuff as ..
  5. j.d

    Free Photoshoot...

    I might tag along to this aswell!! just a stocker fg ute atm might just hang back when the pictures start getting taken
  6. j.d

    My New Fg Xr50T

    Sh** hot ute mate love the lid!! shoulda got that on mine !!
  7. hahaha.. I shoulda done what u did n just got an auto .. I was waiting around for a manual for months congrats mate!!!
  8. yeh I wanna know this aswell... considering it, but needa see it on a car in person not a tiny little picture
  9. apparently no more falcons ... by what big ford (american) bosses are saying, although the aussies are fighting to keep it coz its an aussie icon .. only what I read in a magazine though.
  10. no good man! that sucks .. owner must be shatterd I know I would be, and yeh as kvbaby said pretty sure we saw you on prinny.. what time u call it a night ?
  11. what time was that? it got fair slippery out there. turned to
  12. Just spoke to ford and the mud flaps are dearler fitted not factory
  13. yes, I have same problem, but same in all cars not just fords must be radio frequencies or something ??
  14. looks nice miller ! ratter - how much will those set me back ??
  15. hey guys, was about to remove the mud flaps on the fg ute but noticed that the paint is all scratched up and im wanting to get it repaired under warranty, should I take them of and them take it to ford? or smarter if I get them to fix all the paint and take the mud flaps of aswell? basically im asking are they a **** to get the paint repaid or not to bad ??
  16. yeh mate I had both .. I find the fg a nicer car to drive if your looking for big power I would go Fg, but if your going 2 stay 300 or a little more I would probably stay with the ba.. u said u would needa save a bit before u could mod if u got an fg .. but u would notice straight away it has more power anyway!!
  17. I had the same dilemma .. ended up going the turbo partly coz fuel mostly coz my mate had a turbo and the pull in that thing.. I drive my dads 8 anyway so I guess I got best of both.. but if u love that v8 sound nothing will be as good !
  18. but u can unlock the AUDI doors without taking the keys out of your pocket too... if u figure this one out let us kno coz the would b very handy and good job, looks good!!
  19. I thought auto was a bit more expensive ???? but manual was built on order ???
  20. I test drove one the other day, fg turbo ute auto .. luxury pack .. with 000023km on clock they offered me $38500 drive away... in melbourne . which is pretty good considering lux pak if few thou more and new there about 42*** I think ??
  21. this happened on my n/a ba .. it was my throttle body mine was completely rooted and needed a new one.. hopefully yours just needs a good clean!!
  22. Hot Ute ... I was gonna keep sleeper look but now u got me thinking twice!!
  23. dude its probably the diff.. I did mine last week, if it were cv u probably be able 2 drive the other wheel, coz the diff will be able to engage pretty sure that's what the grinding noise is.. the pins on the diff wont engage
  24. j.d

    New Members Thread

    no worries, thamx 4 help!!
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