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Everything posted by j.d

  1. Well I'm up for a good time, so whatever happens happens I say
  2. I will strip, I'm not scared
  3. Yeh sweet! Although if I come it may b bad for business, the girls won't know what to do with themselves when They c me. Lol Well Ben can't control himself, that's what I'm Basing it on
  4. Bahahaha, where u working Saturday pazzo? I will b in city
  5. from bak in the day, was more focus on dose rather then induction, but this is 4" intake for a little comparison
  6. hope that's the case, when u peel em back to have a look they r scuff'd fair bit, wipe them a fair bit goes but can still c, so they gunna polish it up good c how good they can get it! hopefully comes up alright
  7. just polishing and a bit of touch up paint on the top corner where its bare metal to start with, don't really wanna fork out round 2g's on a paint job where the panels are fine except for a scratch half the size of a pea get a turbo side intake and suck them in !!
  8. haha henz.. I had a blue lemonade and a kiwi strawberry!! for an extra doller get a boost, chomp or some other choc bars !! Thanx 7/11 lol @ pazzo Ohh and mud flaps coming off saturday !!
  9. My 2 liters of slurpee and my 3 boost bars were a delicious after work Snack haha. Not sure where it all goes though Spotted a few T's too!!
  10. Where is wagnman's if that's how ya spell it
  11. Lol, I was Jst sh*t stirring anyway
  12. I don't look after myself dylan, what r u saying
  13. Yeh had to get the holes welded up nd a spray And cheers guys !
  14. Always have a passenger !!
  15. No clutch dumping, y would I wanna I <3 Bananas my clutch ?
  16. I was sliding 3rd on My semis just as I read this!! Fun fun !!
  17. try mine on, they're 19's !! would look sick on your car! I will get worms !
  18. $50 too much coz of a handy ?? it must b a fkn good 1
  19. sh*t quality for a few of em but its like those acne, or weight loss adds, when your overweight or have acne they wear no make-up and in clothes that do nothing for them... when they are thin, and have clean skin, wearing makeup and flattering clothes ..... well that's the same as the pics!!
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