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Everything posted by j.d

  1. @ fordfreak - Ahhh yeh prob was, the kids love there burnouts there, fresh on every day
  2. Fordfreak I think I saw your car on Tuesday or wednesday, u were down A street near the pines ??
  3. I will follow trend and add of specs Off top of my head. 16gb ram and radeon 670 series video card I think, ohh and i7 Could b wrong bout video card, and a 27" or 54" hd screen! Whatever I feel like at the time.
  4. To be honest I haven't even played it yet, the disc is sitting next to the ps3
  5. Nah, can't play against different consoles we got it on ps3 prob gunna get it on pc aswell !!
  6. Ben where do I offload your housmate??
  7. Wouldn't the weight tolerance be different if you take leafs out? Wouldn't it weaken, with less leafs?
  8. Haha, I saw it in Canterbury/surrey hills area, hopefully I'm Not getting her in trouble lol, sounds tuff as !!
  9. Yeah I know, I seen it plenty of times, I just forget, I only ask coz I saw a white ss, sounded tuff as like Hayden's, no spoiler, yellow walls with the same Rims, brunette chick driving it this arvo!! If your missus is a brunette musta been her !
  10. Y only a 30 profile tyre? Thy look good!
  11. Hayden do u have a spoiler on your ss? N u got Yellow walls or white walls ?
  12. Lol at the aussie bogan Names, shazza, dazza haha, it's funny just like the rest of em
  13. when I had a squirt with him, I was right next to him before I was on the brakes. but if that's how he takes his victory's lol for a car with 100kw more then me though LOL
  14. Feels like I'm getting into a go-cart when I jump in mine
  15. Nah, only happens once every... Hardly ever so I just close it wait half an hour usually it works. This morning when it happened I opend forum via Internet and I wasn't allowed in that way either, I thought site was down... Then I was allowed in bout 20 mins later ?? Who knows
  16. Yes they will fit. Unsure if they are set to same height though
  17. It needs constant air flow, filter isnt as good as getting plumbed back in
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