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Everything posted by j.d

  1. That happened to My Ex missus house, it sucked, we use order them For accross the road, get The street banned haha
  2. The noise off the 8 compensates for the power !!
  3. U should c it in the flesh, Driving behind it wants me to sell my rims, raise my car a little and put a offset like that
  4. That looks sweet as trainer I woulda got one aswell if I thought of powder coating
  5. Puncture is a good movie !!
  6. this was my last job, not to bad, alot of problems with the steel though, you can see in the 2nd pic the steel is about 200 or 300 mm to high, had to cut n weld it down, happened too much!
  7. atm just working for a bloke who does all architectural houses, wouldn't of heard of him, his been in magazines n won awards, so gotta make sure it always a good job! I do everything from foundations up, im there start to finish, work in mainly, toorak, kew, canterbury etc etc. done houses is rye, sorrento, mainly all renovations, at prices most people would only dream of earning lol
  8. just saw this, I'm a chippie mate
  9. yeh trainer the last 7 houses I built all stick built and pitched roof's, used prefab and trusses on two jobs in-between, when we put up a lot of 2 and 3 units, would of preferred to stick build, they were boxes, im use to building curved walls, rooms with no walls square to each other, ceilings with angles everywhere all architectural sh*t pretty good when finished but gets frustrating sometimes
  10. staying on wages mate ?? and yeh, prefab your constantly cutting walls down, adding studs or moving wall junctions lol
  11. Nah I'm Happy with the 19's just saying I would get 18's if they were fat at the back do 18x12 fit under a ute? Lol
  12. I would get some fat 18's on mine
  13. Ahh damn I had to get back to my mates birthday otherwise I woulda stayed !! I'm keen in gettin a table next fight !
  14. I enjoyed his fight last week, will probably come to this if I can!!
  15. Looks good Mate ! P.s think I spotted ya a few times this week, driving up high st, doncaster early morning, and down Doncaster rd after work But wasn't sure, next time I will know for sure with that lower grill!!
  16. Computer set up, with a 54" screen
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