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  1. Money hungry? no. Not understanding why folks don't read posts...sure. Au market is extremely knowlegable about their vehciles however we had been notifying everyone all last year that this would end. The X1 should have stayed off last year however Rob made the point that customers needed time. This remained for longer than it should have. Our new updates are getting ready to support newer applications both in AU and the US (new 5.0L mustang, Fiesta, 6.7L diesel, and of course 6spd trans). This along with corrupt devices made this change to X1 happen. The issue is that there are more dodgy boxes in circulation than legit ones (I know most of you are calling BS as I am typing this) look around you and note who is selling and where they were getting them from. SCT hasn't sold a new X1 since 2005. I believe most consumers that recently bought X1's understand that the price they paid was far lower that an X3 but the previous posts are correct...you get what you pay for. While that statement will not allow your X1 box to be re-flashed, setting the Xcal1 box to stock and having your tuner flash an x3 will put at least $200.00au in your pocket and give you a device that is not in jepordy of being iradicated due to unethical acts. Please forward your negative comments to SCT at sales AT sctflash.com as Herrod does an acceptional job distributing and supporting dealers and customers in your country. My only wish was that we could have selected him as our first choice. Charlie
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