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Everything posted by sachemo

  1. Happy Birthday sachemo!

  2. I am also experiencing a problem with my xr6t. I have noticed that the car wants to stall when I push the clutch to change gears, the revs drop very quickly to about 250-300 rpm, the car shudders and then the revs increase and decrease again until they even out to a normal idle. As this is an intermittent problem it has been hard to get anyone is to experience it. Took the car to get serviced today by ford. All they found was a recall about poor fuel (quality?).
  3. There is a black WRX getting around Townsville with the plates "NOWIFE". The other day in a shopping centre car park I saw a red XR6 with "MYBAXR" written on the plates. Have seen others but can't remember them off the top of my head.
  4. sachemo

    Sex Mathematics

    Absolultely Amazing..... Smart cookie, whoever thought that one up!
  5. League all the way!!!!!! Union isn't too bad, second to league. Soccer, can't understand the rules. AFL, aerial ping-pong as far as I'm concerned - name should be changed to GayFL! Sharkies are my favs, but have to say go the COWBOYS at the moment. They have been on top of their game...... look out top 8, here come the North Queenslanders!
  6. Hi all. Over the past couple of weeks I've been hearing a clunking noise in the front end of my car. I read back through the forum and did a search but came up with nothing that sounded like my problem. I notice the noise more often when I'm turning a corner, particularly at a slower speed (say under 20km ph). It tends to happen more when I turn right or the way of the drivers side. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be the problem? This is the only problem I've had with my ute since owning it. I've had the car for about six weeks now. Not good when you think about it. I've nearly done 1000k's. Not that there should be any problems with my car so far. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Cheers.
  7. I got my Envi in June, after a long wait. I'm real happy with the colour. I wasn't too sure about it when I first ordered it but can't think of any complaints. No problems with it so far........
  8. I'm guessing it comes down to personal opinion but I think the cars look good! I've had my T for 3 weeks now and haven't regretted the colour for a minute!
  9. I ordered mine at the beginning of May and was told it would be in town on the 29th. That didn't happen, apparently there was delays in transport. I got it on 16th June! They stuffed up my order. I ordered a hard top from the factory and it didn't come with it. I specifically asked for it so I didn't get the tonneau clips on the side. There is a dent in the roof and I gave it its first bath on Sunday and noticed the strip is coming off the drivers side door! Not happy! Going back this week. I was told that the hard top would take 3 weeks to arrive as it will also have to come from the factory. Good luck with your car. Hope it comes soon, untouched and as you ordered it. Other than that I'm totally happy with my T!
  10. Here's another just to keep you interested....... Hope you all enjoy the ENVI!!!!!!!
  11. Cheers. Yeah, I'm pretty happy with it. They had an ENVI on the floor that had grey interior. I hadn't seen the green but went with it anyways. I also had thoughts about goin orange........
  12. I only got the standard rims but they still look good.
  13. The shade of green seems to change a bit depending on the amount of light. This photo was taken at about 6:30am before going to work.
  14. Trying again. Sorry about this, I put them straight on from the CD and didn't realise the files were so big. I have compressed the size and hope that it works this time. Cheers.
  15. Here are the first pics of my new ute. Let me know what you all think of the new colour. Some of the photos were taken while it was still at the yard.
  16. sachemo

    ute register

    GARAGE: Townsville CAR: ENVI XR6T May 04 build 17" rims Tow Pack Hard Top (when it arrives) Picked up my ute on the second State of Origin (after 10 delay in transport). I'd say it was a good day all round, especiall for QLD!!!! Here's to game 3!
  17. sachemo

    Fuel Tank

    That's what I thought it must've been for at first when I saw it. It's a pretty smart thing to do really when you think about it. Oh well, at least something positive has come out of it. I guess spending that much on a car you don't want the paint ruined from over filling the fuel tank. I certainly don't, having the first ENVI in town is pretty important to me. Makes me feel a bit special........ Cheers
  18. That's absolutley terrible. Thoughts are with family and friends of all concerned. It's a shocking thing to think this sort of thing happens. The trouble is that it is happening on our roads. I can remember when I was on my learners. Its pretty scary and you are looking around for every little thing. I wouldn't drive with my parents at all. Other family members I was fine. They made me too nervous. It makes you realise what can happen out there. I grew up in a country town where nearly all the kids had farm cars. When they actually got their licence they thought they were unstoppable. The boys are the worst offenders. They drive like an idiot and only seem to know one speed. They seem to make competitions out of things as well. One I can remember is who can get home from M%*&@ the fastest, there were some ridiculous times mentioned! The majority of them have had accidents or lost points on the licence for stupidity, generally speeding. They think they are good drivers and can handle the road. Most of them don't comprehend that the farm is different to the highway! Two guys out of my year 12 class have had 3 accidents each, they have been caused mainly from over confidence and being too cocky on the road. Luckily no one has been hurt in these incidents. I think out of my senior class (of only 17) there would be only 2 or 3 people that have not lost any points. Thought I had better not mention the town as it would be pretty easy to where I was talking about. Some of the lads could be on this site. I shouldn't worry about that though as they all need a good waking up and realise that they could hurt themselves or others. Can't think of words to say at this time. Zoe (Sachemo's friend)
  19. sachemo

    Fuel Tank

    Cheers. I was a bit worried there for a while, as I said my last ute was completely sealed up around the top of the fuel tank. It seems a bit dodgy to me. Well as the rest of you guys said, FORD is a tight arse. They must've only decided to do it in the last few models. A friend of mines olds have an EA and it is completely sealed. So is the EB-EF models. You'd think that they would keep something like that the same in all models of their cars. They should have heaps of dosh up their sleeves. Oh well at least I'm not the only one with it. That's a relief to know.
  20. sachemo

    Fuel Tank

    Thanks for that, I thought there was something wrong. Glad there isn't if mine isn't the only one. Just have to get the rest fixed....... Only picked it up last Wednesday and already the pinstripe on the drivers side door is coming off! Will definitely be getting that one looked at when I pick up my hard top next week! Should have pics in the next couple of days, getting them developed at the moment. Rip offs, were goin to charge me $58 for 2 rolls of film and to get them transferred to CD. Can't wait to get my digital camera, save heaps! Cheers for the fast responses.
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