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  1. Ok here is one for the guys that never liked the bonnet. This is just temp till I get cracks repaired in my other bonnet.
  2. You are correct just went and checked and its actually 3.73
  3. Yeah the typhoons keep't the bigger turbo. Only real difference is the eyelets on the springs. Wagon ones are oval where the ute ones are round. The ute springs still fit the wagon but you just have to trim a bit off the bush as they are a little bit wider in the ute. Other then that the rest is the same and completely interchangeable. Depends on the model for the ratio mate. The first one I got out of an XR8 ute was 3.23 then there was a 3.45 and now I have a 2.73 I think with the 6 speed manual.
  4. Oh and the ute diff will bolt straight in but depending on what tail shaft you use you might have to change your pinion flange
  5. Hey mate thanks. Hope you have fun building your wagon there great fun. I am unsure about the Fg gear but I am pretty sure the Fg interior will be a not go without some major mods. Front seats you will most likely get away with the rear will be no good. Also I think you might have created a bit of a head ache for yourself getting a FG and trying to put it in a earlier model. I am pretty sure the sumps are different on the fg's but they are interchangeable your biggest hassle is going to be getting in running as all the FG and Ba security is different so you are going to have to sort something out with the wiring of the motor as it will be a massive job trying to run all the FG wiring as you will have to do all the wiring inside the car as well and without the fg dash nothing will work ether. I have actually forgot to mention this on here but I have also done another wagon with all my old running gear. It was just sitting in the shed and the easiest way I figured to make a bit of money back on the F6 gear was to put it all my old gear in a wagon and sell it off Its not quite finished but its getting there few little small things to do. This one is going to be full sleep spec unless you look under the bonnet you will have no idea. Its got the full XR6 turbo driveline with 10psi tune and work auto with 2500 stall. Should be good fun.
  6. Thanks mate. Yeah there has been heaps of people say they don't like the bonnet. Yet to find one in person yet though. I think I just love the point that it makes it different to every other wagon out there
  7. Thanks mate. But nah then this would be just like all the other wagons out there
  8. Ok update I have a new hero. Its Drew (Vegabass) Not sure if he is on here. He just finished doing my new interior it came up awesome. I was going to wait for some better pictures but I couldn't help myself. More pics from Drew. [url=http://s31.photobucket.com/user/vegabass/media/IMG_2758_zps06556253.jpg.html][/url
  9. Bahaa. That is nearly the most stupid thing I have ever seen. I hope you were only messing around with that post. lol
  10. Ah ok. Do you have any contact details? I wouldn't mind getting in contact with him as I might be after one and if its in Colac would save me a big trip.
  11. Where abouts in Colac mate? How bad is it damaged?
  12. Lol Colac that's an unusual place to get one from. I am from Colac and normally have to go to Melbourne to get all my stuff.
  13. Thanks guys. I am going to put all my old turbo driveline into another wagon to sell if you guys are interested :-)
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