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Everything posted by tab

  1. I didn't mind it this year...only time I turned it down was when the emo metal stuff comes on. Got me f'ed how anyone can enjoy that crap.
  2. Haha reminds me of years ago driving home and busting for a crap. Lived in unit block at the time and didn't have time for the manual garage door so parked on the wrong side of the street and ran for the crapper. Just get started and it sounded like some fcker was trying to break down my front door. Man-hating carpet-munching copper that thought I saw her and did a runner. Explained the scenario and asked why would I run in to my own house if that was the case but it was lost on her. Did all the rego and license check stuff and realised I was all legit so then fined me for parking contrary to direction of traffic flow (or whatever the fck it was). Followed the bitch back to the station and complained and got the ticket withdrawn. Great success!
  3. Such a fckin horrible situation. And you can never come up with the right things to say, can't do anything to ease the pain. Just bloody terrible.
  4. ^^ put a plug in it. So anyway...invites bitches???
  5. lol no I wasn't. Got nothing but my full support mate. We were using Sign Kingdom in Sydney but I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding a place to do them.
  6. It seems that someone has a severe dose of vaginal sand When I was doing it a sold a shtload and made a few $'s along the way for the forum, probably would still be doing it if someone above didn't decide they could do a bigger and better job of it. (LOL) Just have to be prepared for the considerable effort involved that's all and it's most definitely admirable that someone is keen to. No negative nancy there, just being realistic. PS: Go EABOD.
  7. Wasn't suggesting it needs to be in that font...just trying to assist with an idea on what the prices are/were for those sizes in small runs. If you're getting a larger number of one size then it should save a fair bit, and if it's a non-cursive font that can allow the sticker to be folded between letters then postage will only be a couple of dollars. PS: wouldn't recommend ordering a shtload unless you've got confirmed sales. Experience tells me that plenty of people think it's a great idea but finalising the sales and getting the cash out of people is like herding cats.
  8. To give you an indication, the following in solid white vinyl... When I last did this back in 2010 cost about $10, $22 & $34 respectively before postage and handling (both ways). Once mailing tubes are involved rather than C4 envelopes the postage is a killer.
  9. Need to get my leave form in FFS.
  10. Yeah I got a half....oh sorry wrong topic
  11. Very nice Stripey. Pffft newb. Just top up the fluid you fool.
  12. Morning freaks. Mine was going OK till I got a reminder four minutes ago about a meeting with directors. They usually go for around three hours farkin
  13. sh*ts me that their marketing is what Ford's used to be before they lost hope and gave up. It's the extra things like that that make all the difference idn't it. And what I still consider to be the best advert in recent times... Going to gargle some dettol now farken.
  14. Frontline Management...biggest load of crap that ever existed. Previous employer funded that and was putting about a dozen of us through it, I was asked not to attend our sessions as I was making the teacher look stupid by pointing out how irrelevant and out of touch most of the crap they teach you is. Just go straight for the assessment Fluff and work backwards. It'll more than likely be a warm fuzzy bullsh*t assignment about developing policies in your workplace or something. All you need is about 5% actual content then fill it up with whatever the favourite buzz words and catch phrases are. It's like Organisational Behaviour at an undergrad level - but even lamer.
  15. They give you a purse? Is the taking a seat thing suggesting you now need to squat?
  16. Jesus effing christ Would be a *beep* of a colour to match too I'm guessing? Is it too soon for suede or dejavu jokes?
  17. Cheers masdsa - am checking them out. Not sure if I'm up for the massive farkin display on the Gear Fit though...is like strapping a small phone to your wrist! I guess you'd get used to it before too long.
  18. Any of you guys know what integrates well with the Samsung S5? It has a pedometer and all that jazz in it but don't like carrying or strapping the farker on for the morning walk. Have it in the pocket the rest of the day though so it negates the need for wrist-band thingo then.
  19. Haha sign of the times..."they just don't make decent video games like they used to" Oh and yeah moaning biatches. Love Mondays.
  20. Nothing wrong with a bit of variety
  21. Lol it's cool Rukey, Dags' video is what hit home (he's the *beep* here). Was a few years ago now....still paying off the farkin debt though. Just agreeing with your original comment. It absolutely does work!
  22. Having seen my ex mrs with two degrees and post grad quals in both, one of the most intelligent and awesome people I've ever met, to end up exactly like that chick after embezzling & ripping me blind to feed her habit that vid more than makes me sick. It's an absolutey fckin scary substance. But yeah great for weight loss. You just lose everything thing else around you too.
  23. This thread needs more Dillz.
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