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Everything posted by tab

  1. Not a fan of the bastards, whenever I'm visiting someone the cnuts of things always come to me and rub against me, climb up if possible, sleep in my shoes etc. They can sense my hatred and just play with it. Manipulative scheming cunning fckn things. But as for funny cats on youtube...pure brilliance.
  2. Best looking at the ABC website Panda, electoral commission don't show preference distributions until the last vote is counted. LNP is well ahead on the primary vote but factor in the preferences flowing from all the other random parties and they get done like a dinner. http://www.abc.net.au/news/qld-election-2015/results/
  3. Pffft...no such thing as too much storage. Doesn't take much to fill-up 64 gig if you're syncing your music library
  4. Waiting on OP to give the nod once the current backlog is cleared.
  5. Went and watched that in gold class the other weekend. And yeah had heard about the pardon and everything that happened a few years back but didn't draw the connection to this movie until it was all revealed. Bloody brilliant (but was still waiting for Dr Watson to appear) So was gold class. Beers and tucker delivered frequently and limited humans to get in your way. PS: Stripes - if you are going to watch it don't look at any trailers or reviews or research the story line beforehand otherwise it'd probably ruin it.
  6. You need help. Hope Fluff gets her study completed before it's too late!
  7. Brisbane City is the largest, but yeah your point still stands. Know quite a few in mid-level management there that get paid more than any politician in the country and they do sweet fck all! Newman's history as an engineer in the army made him perfect for churning out tunnels and infrastructure as mayor of bris and then premier. Without a lot of the transapex infrastructure that he started in brisbane the place would be a friggin mess right now. Yeah the tunnels made huge bloody capital losses but that didn't cost the taxpayer a cent, was a very cunning concept that worked exceptionally well. But his don't give a fck attitude doesn't wash well with us stupid voters. We like them to speak softly, never upset anyone and say warm fuzzy things.
  8. Nope I disagree with you there Bomber. I think the clear message is to do as little as possible, don't add any new infrastructure, don't rock any boats or risk offending anyone even if it is remotely justified, and just let the debt continue accumulating. Especially don't sell underperforming public assets that are heavily unionised and are considered jobs-for-life for the slack degenerates that fill their payrolls. I don't think politicians are paid enough and you've given a classic example. Why would a local govt ceo deserve double the premier of the state? Or the CEO of a bank or airline get 20 times what the prime minister of the entire fckn country gets? Pay peanuts get monkeys. And we've got several parliaments across the country full of the bastards.
  9. Panda for PM Couldn't agree more. It scares me to think that the media and the gullible are just focused on the fluffy insignificant crap, not the things that really matter like proper reform. Our preferred PM was on TV this morning talking about all the fings that he finks the govt is doing wrong. When asked for his alternatives he had absolutely NFI. "umm our policies will be released in due course" At least when Abbott was opposition leader his budget reply speeches etc. offered proper alternatives. Now there's nothing being offered or suggested, just the mud flinging that everyone seems to enjoy. You just have to look at what Greece has just done to see where we are heading. That's truly fckn frightening.
  10. Ahh righto fair enough...wasn't paying attention to the length sorry. The thread started off as discussing bigger stickers didn't realise you ended up with petite ones.
  11. You say 12mm high - but you mean 120mm yeah?
  12. Have a backup to gmail app on my phone(s)...automatically backs up sms and mms messages to sub-folders in your gmail. Swap phones and it automatically restores. Also good for checking your sms messages when you leave your phone at work/home/in car. Not much good if you've already lost everything though.
  13. Hey plugger...no prizes for second sorry.
  14. Once it's all sorted we can whack a post in the site announcement section and/or place a notice that'll appear on each page etc. Awesome work
  15. for normal X It does look slightly out of place but no harm in drawing your attention to that, bit of emphasis on the X is a good thing I reckon. But then at a glance if you were looking at it the first time you probably wouldn't even notice.
  16. Nah just the XR6 as per the XR6 badge given the harshness of the original X. But turning the X around as you have looks much betterer If I'm making no sense just ignore
  17. Yeah last option for sure. Was going to suggest using the ford "XR6" bit as per the badges instead but that'd probably look pretty farkin lame.
  18. Is that what it's actually called? ^ Lame dad jokes always make you feel good.
  19. https://www.facebook.com/goldcoastperformancefordclub
  20. Think night shift is over...gone for a fortnight now.
  21. Peanut butter apparently. Never tried it myself though.
  22. Was reading an article about it the other day, first baby was sick and the backup didn't turn-up to the shoot so they just went ahead and filmed it anyway. I think it's friggin hilarious.
  23. Dunno...possibly my country upbringing but have never been able to stand it. Will listen to and can appreciate any other genre though. The yelling and screaming is like fingernails on a blackboard to me.
  24. You guys have weird number plates. And looks like it rubbed through to the undercoat. Other than that another awesome write-up Steve. How long are you bachelor for?
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