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Everything posted by tab

  1. Give it a rest Gunna...you're becoming the new Mark with your repetitive drivel. Car dealers go out of their way to hide and disguise vehicle histories so maybe take-up your agenda with every single used car yard in the nation that only cares about the vehicle holding together through the statutory warranty period. I.e. buying flogged fleet (or ex police cars) and dressing them up as new. That is no different to someone returning their vehicle to stock from a modified state. If you want certainty then buy new with a manufacturer warranty - anything less is a compromise and a bit of a lucky dip. Yeah not everyone can afford that, but that's the unavoidable compromise. But if you keep filling every single thread you post in with your pathetic thinly-veiled targeted agenda then your account will be placed on moderator preview. It's becoming very boring.
  2. That's pretty farkin ordinary Panda. Spare bed here if you're ever in need of respite mate...doesn't solve the problems though I guess.
  3. lol I wouldn't. Those degenerate bottom feeding fckers are likely to twist the story around on you.
  4. Huh? Does look pretty farkin awesome
  5. Straight to admin I think plugger. But then they do sweet fck all so I dunno
  6. Well at least you know it's a genuine Rapid kit...half the components are missing. FMD
  7. The enduros are supposed to be all on FTA...but who knows. Still undecided on getting Fox, might just get the telstra subscription thing or something if they are still offering that - yet to check that out. Cucking funts.
  8. It's kind of like letters to Santa.
  9. You'd prefer the toilet blue colour instead?
  10. Seriously? Acid Rush is a far superior colour...but even that's farkin ordinary these days.
  11. The swap-over to my S5 was probably the most underwhelming of all new phone purchases. No real excitement, just whack the gmail account details in and all apps load from previous phone along with contacts, emails, pics and messages. Restore the settings on the profile scheduling app (that silences notifications after 10pm, car mode when connected to vehicle bluetooth, silent mode whenever I get out of the car unless connected to home wifi etc.) The fact that there was no hours spent fiddling and setting everything up was just fckn brilliant. New bigger better faster phone that was practically just ready to continue using. Contrast that to the dozen iphones at work that I have to try and look after - absolute bloody nightmare. Can't wait to get rid of those fckn things as soon as I can.
  12. Does look bloody brilliant Enjoy your well deserved holiday mate.
  13. Me fckn either. Caught up now though so feel free to spoil away you *beep*.
  14. Any chance of getting a breakdown of the "speed related crashes" or whatever the term is Panda? But yeah they only thing that'll fix that mentality is training or less stupidity. Will have to worry about planes running in to cops before either of those things happen. Meanwhile we'll have the Tracy Grimshaws and Harrold Scrubbys of the world advocating for more enforcement and the gullible electorate will take that as the government doing the right thing. And governments are more than happy to play along with that game as it's an easy visible 'solution' and a fantastic source of revenue. Meanwhile cars will keep getting safer and roads will be built to better standards but we'll just accept the declining death and injury rates are due solely to increased enforcement.
  15. How's the bucks party planning going farkin?
  16. Yeah pretty much. When you plug it in to your PC it'll give you the option to mount your phone just as if it's a USB drive. Or with a gmail account you can just use google drive to access your files and save them for offline access if required.
  17. Completely disagree with that. I'm surprised that most people can successfully guide a wad of toilet paper to wipe their cake-hole let alone maneuver a vehicle in a safe and efficient manner based on them deciding what is an appropriate speed and manner. You only have to see how people behave in really heavy rain or fog to verify the point. Fckn imbeciles. And what makes it even worse is that any accident or death that is determined to be as a result of driving too fast for the conditions (even if under the posted speed limit) is just classed the same as the clown doing 200km/h that finds a tree and comes to an abrupt stop. I tried getting a breakdown of stats from our govt up here years ago and was stonewalled at every attempt so have no idea exactly what sort of representation the under limit accidents are in the total figures but I'm guessing it's a significant amount - and if they make those details public then it ruins every argument ever conceived for speed cameras. I think the only solution is the engineered approach that that panda bloke is rambling about. We are too stupid to protect ourselves so the only way to have roads with higher limits is to make them multi-lane with crash barriers, massively wide shoulders so we don't feel closed-in, minimal gradient changes and nothing more than slight corners. I.e. the most boring road you could imagine Or have proper driver training and frequent re-testing and realistic enforcement that essentially ignores the posted limit and takes in to account the vehicle capabilities and road & weather condition and only fine those that are being dicks. And that's extremely unlikely.
  18. Definitely sounds like the diff bush needs replacing. What about suede seats? Won't need warmers then. Have you tried searching?
  19. Don't want to see it, but I'm assuming it's the one the were talking about on the news this morning - hostage locked in a cage and set on fire? Yes they really do just need to be wiped out. There is no reasoning with scum like that.
  20. Four days since he logged in to create the new sub-forum. On a completely unrelated note, where the fck is that setting to hide specific sections from new content searches? It isn't in the sub-forum setup farkin.
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