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Everything posted by tab

  1. ...traffic as far as you can see in your mirrors = priceless
  2. This exactly. UK muslim leaders all issued fatwas or whatever it's called against ISIL/IS, but none of the locals have. Why? Makes no fckn sense.
  3. It's really quite frightening. Fck civil liberties, assume every one is guilty until proven innocent regardless of skin colour/dress/religion until these grubs are weeded-out. And how's the poor little parasite whinging about the cops giving him a bit of a touch-up when being arrested. After the sh*t you disgraceful animals get up to you have no rights to be treated like a human being. But what they have done now is strengthened everyone's resolve and although old mate Tones was ridiculed for it, the Team Australia ideology just got a sh*tload stronger.
  4. Say your goodbyes Angel...your account is about to be deleted and all IPs ever used by you blocked. What an absolute fckn disgrace. And def should't be posting that crap in this thread. If I wasn't so scared of scrolling back up to see those pics again your post would already be gone.
  5. Ahh furry muff. We were learning yesterday that eggs are a prohibited item in Brisbane city from 01 Nov unless you have a valid lawful reason for carrying them...so maybe grab a few dozen and walk through the cbd up there to test them out? I'm sure it would end well.
  6. Oh noes...the harassing one is back. Thought they'd have blokes like you locked up at the moment?
  7. Useless fckn dealers...only gave you half a number plate But very nice rig man. Any idea what something like a replacement side mirror costs for it...apparently their spare parts prices make Ford look like a charity?
  8. You're such a fckn nerd Panda. But yeah I must admit that did make me stir a little when reading about it the other day. Shame it's not built-in though and you need to use the specific case. Cool story bro.
  9. Dunno mate could have been...can't recall it being changed recently though Some have powers in certain sections that override it obviously.
  10. Yeah salary here too...any time spent procrastinating is made up elsewhere as nobody else does my job. That's called smoko yeah? On to that right now.
  11. Brekky with friends, bit late to work, really not in the mood for being productive. Have a training thing at 13:30 so I'm thinking it's hardly worth starting anything now Is it Friday yet?
  12. Either way if you're going with Telstra on a plan then wait a few weeks...apparently their current promo of extra 500gb data or $500 calls per month will soon be doubled on all plans over $70 I'll be going for the S5 I think. Current Motorola still performs flawlessly but am running out of storage on the poor old thing otherwise I wouldn't bother changing. Fck Windows on mobiles, even worse than ish*t in my opinion.
  13. Link? Can only find one obscure reference and it aint yours farkin
  14. tab

    Ex Cop Car

    Loves his donuts more than chips AFAIK. But to the topic you're probably more likely to pick up a dud from elsewhere. Yeah they are flogged but also typically very well looked after.
  15. Most enjoyable time of my working life would have been as a sh*t-kicking apprentice or junior chef. Paid peanuts, drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney, working split-shifts and six or seven days a week but spending your break and any time off getting plastered so it was all a bit of a blur anyway. Not a farkin worry in the world. Now everything in my life is nice and flash and comfortable but the worries that go with it make you wonder if it's all worth it. Maybe I'm having an early mid-life crisis.
  16. http://www.couriermail.com.au/questnews/city/rubbish-bins-are-outoforder-and-being-removed-around-brisbane-train-stations-for-safety-reasons/story-fni9r0jy-1227058977061
  17. Looks pretty good...why haven't I heard of this years ago?
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