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Everything posted by g6t

  1. stink it sounded like a great day I was going 2 go on pacific ford gt drive day witch I think was that day,im so I didint go now, mate u would have been all over them like car wash.anyway drags & cruise this week hope 2 catch up then.
  2. g6t

    F6 No Spark

    I thought so but now it looks like not so cheap , after I get it runing right it will b moved on.
  3. nightmare f6 , don't no prices or witch direction 2 go can u get them rebuild at what price, or try & get a f6 short block & get some 1 swap it all over, or get the 1 I have rebuild.
  4. g6t

    F6 No Spark

    nightmare f6 update the car starts & drives ok but engine is comp is down on 2 cyl so engine needs rebuild or a new 1.so of 2 the engine section.
  5. g6t

    Mt Lindsay Cruise

    I am good 4 sundays 24th or 8th saturdays no good 4 me.
  6. g6t

    Age Of G6Et Owners

    I used 2 say the same thing, I drove baxr6t when they 1st came out & said if only they had a turbo 6 in the faimont ghia id by 1 = G6et
  7. fgf6 is it the same as bf & will my bf head & stuff bolt straigt up. I might need 1.
  8. g6t


    ive found all ford cars since xc r poo & have brake shutter , ford done 45k service on g6 thurs they rang me & said they have 2 machine rotors I said ok I left the car there overnight pick it friday mrn I arrived 2 pay they said they put new rotors on because there machine broke on mine. $226 I suplied my own oil. :popcorn:
  9. g6t

    F6 No Spark

    just an update on nightmare f6 as said before wireing was diconected from engine we pluged all wires back in & it started with key/ butt & ran it at idile it had a slight miss,over weekend replacing coils & plugs,& check over everything again il go & have a look tuesday. the mistery is y was the wires disconected in the first place maybe some 1 tried 2 steal moter & box & got interupted,or alarm keeped going off so they tried disconecting wires 2 try & stop alarm.
  10. g6t

    Age Of G6Et Owners

    Im impressed it blows the granpa theory out the window,I guess alot more people on here than I thought have taste 2 b driving such a fine luxury comftable cruiser .
  11. g6t

    New Here

    Hey scooby what area r u from, I could b the only 1 on here with velvert cashm sat n s roof & matching slippers.
  12. g6t

    F6 No Spark

    we had another quick look my mate auto elec doing it in spare time that's y taking so long, he found that alot the wiring harness has been disconected its like engine & gearbox has been removed & re instaled & no wires been re conected,history on car that I no,it comes from camira brisbane area,good ford service history, but no repair history, any way we just go thru wiring make shore everything in its right spot. Nightmare f6 Thanks every 1 4 there help.
  13. g6t


    should b good 2 go
  14. g6t

    F6 No Spark

    new battery in hot wire only way 2 crank it over, 25 codes found, crank ang cens orded,thanks 4 your help ebxmple.nightmare f6
  15. g6t

    F6 No Spark

    f6 finally arived 2night it dozent crank over by butt-key cheaked 4 codes found 23 look at it again 2morrow.
  16. just bought a bff6 I have 2 wait 4 working days b 4 I can get my hands on it 2 have a look at it again,any 1 got any idear where 2 look first,There is power everywhere but no spark at engine.
  17. great night had by all,all good 2 met new members & some old ones thanks 2 all who turned up.
  18. didn"t make the H pub run,hope 2 meet up at harrys , c u all there. :popcorn:
  19. sorry guys carn"t make it this morning got a lot things 2 do & people 2 c, il b at harrys sat night.
  20. hi guys im in syd 4 weekend I would like 2 come along on cruze I have no cb if some 1 has spare could I borrow it.I will b staying in richmond area.
  21. a few weeks back I got a p/w s2 cooler & tune, I still can flash it back 2 stock.
  22. g6t

    Harry's / Munchies

    I might come down & cheak it out this week.
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