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Everything posted by nato92

  1. nato92


    hey guys this may have already been covered but I just gonna ask anyway. I have a 03 BA XR6 Turbo ute. Now it has a NA motor with the turbo gear bolted on etc. (last owner managed to blow up motor from bad tune and wastegate actuator) Anyway I got it retuned the otherday by LMG at warnertown SA. the dyno readout got a max of 258rwkw at 13psi. he couldnt push more as the valve springs were starting to float at higher boost. so anyway I was happy with that. he also gave me a 250rwkw tune at 12 psi and a SAFE tune at around 8psi which also had timing backed off so was close to stock. the car has a massive aftermarket intercooler. and dosent have the top crossover pipe anymore so am assuming the wastegate would have to have modifications. also it has 40lb injectors. anyway yesterday I started to notice it overboosting. so I changed to the 250rwkw tune. same deal., so I changed to the SAFE tune. (the one almost stock one) and it was making 10-12 psi max. so im obviously having overboosting problems. something to do with wastegate im guessing. anyway anyone have any ideas as to what I should do?
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