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    Gods Country
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    Cars, Women and Jack Daniels
  1. Sorry for causing such a sh@tfight in that thread.

  2. Cheers mate, I Like cars, I happen to also be HWP, I was into cars before I joined the fuzz. PS, all I wanted to really say at the end of all this was that I think the Brembos are a great piece of kit!
  3. ok. This is getting way outta context here. So all I'm going to say is this. The incident I am referring to was a like threatening situation, it involved a child. The speeds occurred on the M5 motorway. It was obscenely fast, I was fully aware of what the risks and consequences were at that time. the mother of the child however was fully thankful of the 'abuse of the system' that occurred. Mate in all honestly for you to sit there behind your keyboard and throw stuff out like that is insulting and it upsets me. I have risked my life for almost a decade doing the job I do. I have been hospitalized twice as a results of doing this job, both times requiring surgery and rehab, I have the scars and so does my wife (emotional) from getting a phone call at work that her husband has been taking to hospital. I have a family to think of, and also a responsibility to the community as a whole. I have seen first hand what happens when if goes wrong.... Well done ET, you are obviously a person beyond reproach and you should be commended on that.
  4. Fair enuff Dillz.. Hey ET, I think Dillz sig would apply to your comment...I'll leave it at that champ.
  5. nevermind... anywayz this is getting way o/t, feel free to pm me if you want to ask anything.
  6. nah man, McCafe.....Cant beat the Mocchas ;D
  7. One of my posts went missing... I dont do it becasue I want, sometimes circumstances dictate that I have to. I never said they pulled up on a dime.....
  8. Unfortunatly no, The M5 early morning on a fri/sat was/is a bit of a race track, I have run down a low 200 before and attempted to catch a few bikes doing 230+ the thing that makes you scratch your head is that the first (193) the guy returned a postive roadside breath test (3 passengers) and the other was a p1....
  9. Before you all get to upset... Brakes on my 'Work' car before getting replaced at 18k It doesnt take to much road........ Like I said the Brembos are pretty good at what they do.
  10. Do not underestimate the brembo 4spotters. They have many a time pulled up hard consistantly from continued 200kph+ stops in sydney traffic for me.....awesmome brake package. I can only imagine what the 6/4 option would be like. I have driven both FG xr6t's and VE SS from the first up until the current SeriesII boats, harder then you would have mate and the FG beats it hands down everytime....(the BF also smoked the VE of the mark aswell and hled it to well over 120+) VE traction control....works only when its swiched off......
  11. noob question alert. I can hear the motor when I attempt to use the washers, hose is connected - were/how do I get to the bottle/motor oh BF model.
  12. cheers mate. Seems like its off to fraud for a wallet gangbang.
  13. Hi guys, My 06 Bf has started to display the airbag warning light. flashes up 19 as the code, it does not come on all the time. Any ideas what the problem is. I have had a look at the wires under the drivers side seat but they all look fine to me. Dicko
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