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luke yo

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  1. is that it in your sig? if so looks very nice and clean mate congratz on the buy, hope everything go's well for ya..
  2. Would someone be able to post a pic or link me to one so I know what I'm lookin for..
  3. Iv been told there around the same price on eBay and from a dealer...cheers I'll have a look now
  4. Hey bit of a stupid question but when I ring up my local ford dealer what do I ask for to get the right ba f6 air intake setup to put onto my ba xr6 turbo
  5. Hey dose anyone know where I can find some new/near new 60lb siemens dekkas in brisbane from a shop cheers
  6. cheers mate..I got NGK's in it atm so yeh ill just stick to this setup thanx for the help
  7. Hey I was just wondering if anyone lives in brisbane around the logan area and knows a good place to take my xr6t for a good service. Also is it possible to get performance coils if so what are some good ones and good spark plugs to go with them.
  8. cheers guys one of my coils where dead cars goin good as again now
  9. It had a majior service at 102000kms it's now at 107800 so I don't think it will be the fuel filter...I'll check the aculator now and see if I can see anythin I also run bp ultimate98 only
  10. I found someone with the same proberlem on another forum and people where sayon it could be any of there acctuator Cat blocked Airbox pipe Fuel filter I was goin to get a highflow cat on it anyways but I want to eliminate the problem first so what would be the best way to cheak each of these problems
  11. Hey the last few days I think my turbos been playin up a bit..when I'm drivin and I put my foot down when the turbo kicks in it dosent pull like it should insted it's just givin like sort bursts it just like boosts for a second then dies for a second then boosts again only reali started doin it heaps this mornin on my way to work u can here the turbo suckin but it just gos no where n strugles to pass 4-5g revs...any suggestions would be great cheers
  12. yeh I proberly wont get them off ebay I'd prefer brand new injectors n pump dose anyone know a shop in brisbane where I could pick some up?
  13. Hey I was lookin on eBay at some injectors and I found the 60lbs ones I want hut also they have 8lbs ones I was just wondering if the 80lbs ones would be better for my ba xr6t, now once I get either one of those wats a good brand/type of fuel pump I should get to keep up with the injectors seen a few on eBay aswell but not sure what one I need to push through the best amount of fuel..
  14. ok cheers guys..the clunk isnt to bad only dose it on n off but ill look at gettin the bushes done befor it gets worse how much would that cost to get done?
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