Hey guys and gals, I have a few queries: 1. Recently I decided to spin my speedo needle up a bit further than usual. For some reason when I hit roughly 140kmph (4th gear) I get a massive abrupt loss of power. After it happened I changed up to 6th and just coasted down to 110kmph. I put the car in cruise, and it felt like it was miss-firing. Clutched in, dropped the car into 4th, clutched out. Still "missing" a bit, but all of a sudden I feel it go back to normal. What is going on here? The car seems fine normally, only when getting to that speed does it crack it. Car is a BF MkI with no mods except for a PW stage 1 cooler. I know the car did this in its stock form also. 2. When the car is dead cold it doesn't seem to boost like normal if you give it stick. I assume it needs to warm up and I usually don't give it hell til it's warm. Just wondering if this is normal. 3. How much oil usually makes it's way into the intake? When I changed my cooler I noticed a fair amount of oil in there. Car has 150,000 on it and was serviced well. Sorry about the long post but this is my first boosted car. Many questions to ask! Cheers, Braiden.