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Status Updates posted by Kv!

  1. Happy Birthday Kv!!

  2. Happy Birthday kvbaby!

  3. Why did the tree cross the road?...A woman crashed into it.

  4. Pippa Middleton's arse is like a JK Rowling book. You know Harry's going to be in it.

  5. Parallel lines have got so much in common. It's a shame they'll never meet.

  6. Went to a restaurant the other night and I noticed that the waitress had a black eye. I made sure I spoke loud and clear when ordering my food because she obviously had trouble listening.

    1. MiKa


      LOL pisser... ima use that..

    2. Kv!


      lol no worries

  7. I've just found that my Wii remote doesn't work if you take it out of the sync region. Much like my girlfriend.

    1. Stink



  8. It took a lot of balls for me to go on that show ''Embarrassing Bodies''. Three actually.

  9. On my tombstone I want it to say: 'I didn't forward the text message to 15 friends'

  10. Just asked my hairdresser for a Justin Bieber haircut. So she just shaved my pubes off.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kv!


      lol nice my main man

    3. Dillz


      LOL! Bag him all you want, he still pulls epic tail...

    4. STAINLESS again plz

      STAINLESS again plz

      So peaceful in here without you Kav...

      hope your enjoyin ya holiday with you know who...

  11. "You can tell a lot about a person by their car." For example: If it's in a ditch, it's a woman.

    1. Bel@Pitlane


      ha haahahahhaha Kav, your so funny. All the cars that I know of that have ended up in a ditch have been driven by men!

  12. Fool people into thinking you have a social life by going offline for a few hours.

  13. Women are like a Rubik's Cube...You can spend ages trying to figure them out but, eventually, you will only end up smashing their face into a wall.

  14. At least after the 2022 World Cup, Qatar will have some cracking stadiums to stone women in.

  15. Motorists...Unless you've kidnapped it, nobody gives a I <3 Bananas if you've got a child on board.

  16. Snow is a lot like people. They both go away when you urinate on them.

  17. get over the 50th xr6 turbos

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