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  1. SAAS guages and holders. The cup holders seemed to warp after I left it out a few times in the sun all day during summer. Annoying. Not sure if anyone else has had this problem. May go to another brand of gauge holders.
  2. Do you have any more pictures of these? Looking at getting a set myself however on the Lenso site they're showing as Lenso PD1's with hyper silver & mirror lip finish.
  3. I was in the same boat years ago wanting to upgrade my standard 298mm BA brakes. Opted for DBA slotted street rotors and bendix ultimates. Didn't like the ultimates due to the huge amounts of brake dust and they lasted around 20,000km. I'm running bendix heavy duty pads now which are less harsh and alot more brake dust friendly. If I was in the position again with standard rotors I'd hunt down some big 322mm BF rotors and calipers from a wrecking yard, have them machined new and throw on some bendix ultimates. Notice how it's always BA owners wanting to upgrade the brakes?
  4. F16

    No Go !

    Coil packs or spark plugs
  5. Should have lined up against a corvette instead
  6. No strip in Adelaide although there is a 200m event at tailem bend at the end of August if you want practice. Who tuned the car?
  7. F16

    My New Book

    I like the premise. Are there any longer exerts from the book, say two or three pages?
  8. And some trance to get some balance back in the thread
  9. wtf, how has this gone from a trance thread, to DnB? oh well, best join the bandwagon. Noisia noisia, one two, one two.
  10. I think anything nearing the 320kmh mark would need some serious suspension work and good aerodynamics/wings/under car/diffusers to be safe and stable.
  11. Is the car tuned? May need to gap the plugs.
  12. It's a bit hard to tell without the stock run sheet overlayed onto the tuned run sheet.
  13. Damn, at least you're prepared. What mods does the car have?
  14. I've had mine removed for 2 years, along with a few mates of mine, still original turbo, 138k on the motor. Not going to tell anyone to get rid of theirs, but thought I'd add my 2c.
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