So the general consensus from a few pages I read is to clean the solenoid as there should be no harm in it but to gain some good, if done without any glitches. Not sure if I should attempt it yet (as I am keen to), because someone here wrote when asked if it was ok to do the fg model that is was not or wouldnt be nessary to do so. Yet others are saying its not a bad idea to do it every 10k or so. My fg has done 20,000km and it seems ok but probably wont know if it needed cleaning until I do it and see if it does go a little bit more better. Also,I have noticed that sometimes if I do plant my foot down that in second gear (auto) it kind of struggles a second or two and then picks up again. Not sure if this (solenoid) may be cousin it or not but would probably be good idea to try this little maintenance ? Will be going for a retune on Tuesday with Tunehouse and might explain this little problems to Jim as everyone speaks highly of him and thus my reasons going to him and not to the previous tuner (bit of the topic there) So, in a nutshell, this Solenoid maintenance should be ok for anyone to do, even an FG ? Thanks in advance guys.