Ask yourself are you in it for money or the actual work. A lot like myself love the work and the machines. Those for the money don't last long. I have trained many to operate various machines but most have been new truck operators. Its easy to drive the machine but to be excellent takes a long time. A truck is the bottom rung for mining opeators and as thier time an experience progresses so does the machines they will operate. For operators Coal(qld/nsw) and Iron(wa) pay the most atm. Most Iron has longer FIFO shifts for same or a little more money. Overtime not taken into account. Some small outfits in coal have a longer shift also. Generaly coal is an even time roster, 4/4, 5/5, 7/7 or staggered variations. QLD coal runs inland from down Gladstone way to up near Bowen. All the downs differ but are good bases to do a bus in bus out roster. For a few years while on 7/7 I flew Bris to Mackay but got tired of it and moved back to Mackay. My Brother inlaw currently car shares from the Sunshine coast to Rocky then gets the bus to Moranbah. To live in the mining towns like Moranbah/Dysart/Middlemount is hugely expensive unless subsidised by the big miners. Camp life while on shift is good. Rooms now days are ensuited with foxtel provided. Meals are great. Days of communal showers are gone. NSW coal is in the Hunter valley and is all residential. so you go home after your shift everyday. The big mine owner companys are: BHP/BMC/BMA, RioTinto/Coal and Allied, Xstrata, Anglo coal, Peabody, Vale Mine contractor companys include: Downer EDI mining, Leightons, Thiess, John Holland, Macmahons and a few more. Some are total mine contracts while others are set project contracts. Melbourne is too far away for commuting and even trying to get a start in NSW or QLD. Most want people close to thier bus zones or live close. Its part of thier fatique management. Small and some big contractors Ive seen take Green(new) people because of friends they know there and also sometimes just random picks. The big miners run assessment centres. Generaly a whole day thing with interviews, maths/englishg tests, psych tests and team activities. Ive seen unskilled people come through just on attitude and how well they have done on that day alone. You want to look for ads offering operator traineeships and new to industry opportunities - online WA employers want a HR licence but QLD and NSW just a Manual Car licence. Problem at the moment with the "closure" of BMA's Norwich park mine is the market is flooded with highly skilled operators. Operators are transient anyway, changing work to different pits often. Generally for money or working conditions. KCGM at the superpit in WA is also a way to get started operating. Lower pay and sh*t roster but stick it out for a bit then change.