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Everything posted by RynoF6

  1. Fitted up some 285/35r19 invos today and wow they are amazing. Thanks Taleb tires 1day delivery. Next going up to 245/40r19 on the front.
  2. 350-360 odd kw here and the zf tune is the thing out of all my mods that has impressed me the most. 6mnths, 12000ks and going great.
  3. Rdp redcliffe, elite automotive archerfield, hitorque gold coast, profile autosport toowoomba. All good options. Also cpv mackay for tuning if your that way inclined. Have 10g ready to do it right dido.
  4. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    Some are not as isolated. Money also ranges a fair bit. Eg, Mackay has a lot of 4/4 rosters. 3 sleeps in camp and 4 days home in Mackay, Airlie beach or Townsville ect. Hunter valley you go home after every shift with Newcastle/Sydney on the doorstep. Pilbara has some 7/7 FIFO to perth. Pay ranges for operators without overtime is 90k-180k Melbournites should look at SA's Olympic dam. Huge Uranium/copper/gold mine. Not too far from home.
  5. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    Renumeration isnt realy a question for trainee roles anyway. Its generaly for experienced people changing jobs. They want to know what they can get your skills and experience for.
  6. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    I have a lot of friends that have worked at Ernest henry in jobs from truck operators to supervisors. For the traineeship you wil have to move to Cloncurry. This will be at your own expense. After training you will be on the hotseat crew, work the trucks while others have crib(lunch/break). Money for a permanent truckie full time is around 90k, super on top. FIFO is to Townsville and Brisbane. Looking at 2yrs+ to get onto FIFO.
  7. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    GTFO of there Daz. PM me and ill tell you where to go with your skills. Even time and good $$
  8. Late Dec 2009 build F6, Picked up 10th Jan 2010. Silhouette auto with Dark Argents. Has about 60k on it now 30yo
  9. RynoF6

    In The Club

    I heard it rained at the open day, so car finaly got rained on Bomber?lol Nice work mate looks good!
  10. Yes once it passes the the air filter it is classed as an engine gas. This is from my understanding of QLD rules. Due to;Air from BOV or Air Bypass Valve contains a small percentage of highly pressurized recirculatory gases from breather pcv & turbo charger which are fed back into the intake & may contain unburnt engine gases,oils, vapours, etc and therefor Atmo's are in contradiction with Vehicle Emisions Standards & the EPA Act. Rules state to state differ. Eg, Pod filter is legal in QLD as long as it is attached to the car body. Pod filter in NSW is legal if it is in its own box. VIC rules suck - http://epanote2.epa.vic.gov.au/EPA/publications.nsf/2f1c2625731746aa4a256ce90001cbb5/c90ec843f3bbbe8fca256d9f00181c59/$FILE/1031.pdf There is no 2 intake mod rule in QLD and oiled filters are allowed
  11. From what I've read venting a BOV to atmosphere is illegal because once air goes past the air filter for the engine it must pass through the catalytic converter. Its an EPA thing. All engine emissions must pass through the cat. Turbo side intake with the bov plumbed back in before the air filter sounds like an atmo version but its technically legal.
  12. 111MPH is around 260rwkw Lol show us the vid of the dyno whitey90
  13. RynoF6

    Xr6T Xf Falcon

    Was great to watch at the dyno day. Sounds insane, top work on your car mate.
  14. Chopp Chopp NVMYSS street commodores cover car hehe

  15. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    Vicotria has coal mines. Morwell, Yallourn and Anglesea are 3 I can find info on. http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/earth-resources/coal/prospectivity/next-generation-coal-mines-in-latrobe-valley
  16. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    I know guys with a few weeks to guys with 35+ years. Im on 8yrs now, started at 22. Will be in mining for the rest of my career. A lot came in with the 2 last booms, 2006 and 2010.
  17. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    Whole different world down there mate. Shyfrd Id start with contractors first. Get some good experience and then move on. Operating is a job that can take you around Oz to many different mines. Just get a crank somewhere and go from there. Im on my 4th mine now with 2 different employers. Small outfits like MCG civil, BGC, Salmons, Shadforths etc do small mine contracts. Get a crank driving a Moxy(small articulated dump truck) and go from there. Just remember everywhere is sh*t. Its what you make of it.
  18. Whats the go with the different fuel filters for 98 and e85? Can I put one in that is e85 compatible and use 98 most of the time? No e85 around here so will be only for drags. Can't wait to get on e85.
  19. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    P&H 9020 Dragline walking
  20. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    Copabella Mac is pretty good Daz.
  21. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    Double side loading at night
  22. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    P&H 4100XPC loads the 960's The Dipper(bucket) holds 130Tonne, 3 pass on a 960 for 380t. It double side loads and one every 3mins. Plugged into the power grid at 22000volts.
  23. RynoF6

    Mining Jobs

    Me and my old loader Bringing it out to site http://youtu.be/VnjuU0sfpq0
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