Stop smoking crack and read this - Long read but all the info and pics throughout its evolution Prepare to pick your jaw off the ground though haha
I get that Toads but everyone is throwing the words around but in real world terms what are they after?
What does everyone mean by spool and response? Spool time to full boost say in a given gear? They way I drive I like to be in a gear higher and pull the gear through the ramp up of boost.
From everything I can find. A GTX3582r and PTE6235 will perform the same. 6235 is a 6262 with the 35r turbine. The 6262 spooled slower than the GT35r but also had more topend. Smaller 35r rear wheel improves response and the GTX front wheel now provides same top end as the 62. 6235 noiser equivalent of GTX35r
Extra info on dodgy coils altho I think OPs problem sounds like Vsprings P035x is the code for the coil packs. With the x being for the cylinder number, p0356 number 6 cyl. Scan tool or xcal will show. On mine with all but 1cyl throwing code it did not illuminate the engine light.
Just replaced my coil packs. Had noticed a huge power loss for some time. Got so bad in the higher gears was like traction control was kicking in. Ran 11.3@113mph so power was definately down. Priblem only realy showed up in higher gears. Pulled the codes on the xcal(no check engine light) and sure enough all coils bar num 2 were playing up.
1.721 60', 4.621 330, 7.129, 96.19mph 1/8th. Was doing 101 halftrack previous runs but crap launches. It felt like hard traction control and started just after getting into 3rd gear.
Had an awesome launch, then just before half track it lost power and was missing all the way to the end. I think it needs new plugs, guessing it was blowing out the spark.