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  1. Odd times, but trying to take advantage of my Brother being in town - I require a Falcon FG Mk2 and FGX code reading and parameter reset,then in about another week, a parameter reset for a 2003/2004 Transit Van, the work will be over a week or so. Brother is here on holidays from North Queensland and is a Ford mechanic, but without contacts here to get the required equipment. Are there any peeps here that have access to the gear to do this? Sucks everyone's closed to start, and the dealership never seems interested in helping me do the fancy things I'm wanting to do anyway... -_- The FGX was bought from Auction with a Transmission fault, and while I was waiting for the Belco Ford Dealership to get back to me on mechanical similarities between a spare FG Mk2 XR transmission I have, and the FGX (which they never did), I got impatient and plugged in an XR6 instrument cluster, which made the FGX *VERY* Upset with me... I also want to have the FG Mk2 XR instrument cluster matched to my FG Mk1 ute (if that's possible) and I have an FG Mk2 ute I may have to gut & transplant into it if I want the touchscreen ICC out of the XR6 I have here too, so hoping to have a conversation about the viability of that effort. Many questions, much to do, and of course, my Brother wants to do practical things, like a 2004 Transit Van parameter reset for the manual conversion and a fuel something, something, something so he has a way to get home with his van... ;(
  2. -_- Bugger.... That'd be Awesome but I'm Canberra based... I guess I could always get one shipped - though not sure if it'd be a better solution than finding one locally.
  3. Ooh, well then, that is likely the way I need to go. I gues most horsepower shops will have those rebuilder connections? or is there one I should go to in order to save myself any middle-man costs?
  4. Not that I've seen a discussion on this yet, but if I'm looking to get huge power through six automatic gears, what are the options for the incumbent ZF auto over the Ford "built under licence" ZF version transmissions? Firstly, would the 6R80 even bolt up to a Barra 6T given I haven't even heard of this swap yet? If so, would it be an easier option to manage power given it starts rated at 800nm over a standard ZF's 600nm of torque? If not, what transmission strengthening can I do with the one I'd already have? Specifically, I'm looking to have an awd something, something, something with huge power around the 500+ all wheel kw. Exact details to come, but the car I have in mind is another 1100kg skate on steroids.
  5. I've already done this type of mad thing before, so it's only a matter of time... In fact, I'm helping my step-son right now with a VW Mk1 Golf on a Mk4 Bora floorpan & Mk5 3.6lt & 6 speed awd setup... 220kw in 850kg...
  6. Around the late 90's, I owned a TC Cortina with a then EF XR6 drivetrain in it, and it was much fun - had it in the 12's at the local drags and it was always an attention grabber being something unique. I was young and couldn't afford to maintain it when rust started appearing and things were getting expensive to keep mechanically, so it was sent out to pasture, I bought a lackluster Laser TX3 to replace it and I got on with life. So, some time back I embarked on a project that ultimately had to be given the flick due to finances and circumstance. I wanted to build another classic Cortina, this time of course, wedge a dirty great turbo barra drivetrain in it. I love the classic lines, light weight and ample potential of the little brit car paired to some aussie six-banging goodness. There were problems though... The little brit chassis was suspect to say the least. Drum brakes, sloshy suspension, upper control arms of the differential would pull out of the body, etc. I found a solution though, the Mk3 Supra has an identical wheelbase and track, so I found a guy who could do it and he essentially got both cars and made a Cortina shell sit on a Supra floorpan and engine bay. Worked a real treat and stood to solve a great many issues in one very neat solution, it had disc brakes all round, power steering rack & pinion, sportscar handling and a well-established after market accessories bin, etc. The last time I did this, I had the body done, but failed to get far past that due to life distractions - and rust bit down hard on it too while I wasn't looking. Someone else ended up with it and I didn't have the time or resolve to carry on knowing I'd do it again properly one day.... Well, I have itchy feet again and before I start something insane, like a retro fitted '69 fastback mustang, I wanted to revisit this long lost plan that was half finished last time, and give it the exposure it thoroughly deserves. I guess, what I want to know, is there a decent cost effective limo builder in or around Canberra who could pull off such a cunning stunt for me?
  7. Well finally got myself a generic ELM 327 OBDII connector via USB but not sure what the best software is to use in getting into my XR6T. Any suggestions? Just after the simple things like data loggiing and fault code analysis.
  8. Okay, More info: These are my fault codes, P0236 - Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Perform P0238 - Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit High P1635 - Tire/Axle Ratio Out of Range ....What is it Telling Me??
  9. Before anyone asks, Traction control on/off makes no difference. Likewise, cruise control, set/unset/off also makes nary a difference... Stupid Cars, why do they torture me so??
  10. Yep, a thousand people have all had this problem and none of them thought to post their definitive fix. AAAAaaaanyway, As described, I have an issue where at full-song the ecu seems to be cutting the fun when I reach 4000rpm. My car is a Mk1 BA XR6T with the 6 speed manual, X-Force Exhaust, Upgraded valve springs, uprated in-tank fuel pump, bosch 968 Injectors, big intercooler, and a 14psi tune that was getting 315rwkw for an aeon (I.e. 5 years give or take...) before this started happening. The car is normal in every other respect, doesn't miss under load, idles normally, no leaks, gets to full boost before 4k and manages boost rock solid no worries and nothing changed around the time this started happening (October 15th while trekking about in Sydney actually...) and since this issue started, I've changed out both the wastegate actuator and the wastegate actuator solenoid with no effect. Doesn't matter what gear I'm in it's steadfastly stops the giggles at 4000rpm on hard stomped acceleration. Some more info, I have a boost guage fitted and I know for a fact that the boost dies abruptly at 4k. When I wind out the revs in the taller gears, the boost gets to the limit and stays there perfectly until 4k where it reduces to little over atmo, no spikes, no creep, nuthin'. The engine is happy to spin to wherever I want so long as I don't anchor the right foot to the firewall. I've taken it to the local (but non-tunable) workshop who were able to ask the ECU what it's problem was but it did nothing more than whine about mismatched diff ratio and wheel rotation differentiation because I have split tyre sizes front and rear but this is all stuff that's been that way since it was pumped up five years ago so it isn't the cause of the issue I have now. I've also tried the other tunes I have but they all have the same net effect, it's been near on two months without my speed fix and I'm starting to get cold sweats. Since this has started happening, I've also rebuilt the engine's bottom end with CP Forged Pistons and dirty great girder looking conrods. I'm all but ready to take it to a local Tuner to get extra huff but I Really want this issue sorted before I take it somewhere to get more herbs up it... Is there somewhere I could take my car to in Canberra that could both find/fix the issue and pump up the volume?? Please help this forlorne T owner! ;(
  11. Funny Story This... Turns out that the Cluster in the Car I just converted didn't know how to display the Traction Control Lamp (yep, that's right, they can be programmed) so it had no idea. Threw my old Cluster in and Voila, Insta-Traction Control Indication Goodness! too bad my old cluster has an extra 120,000km on it...
  12. Some help please? anyone?? The story goes: I had an XR6 Turbo I bought new in 2004, modded it with a number of things, had it how I wanted it, lived the dream until quite rudely my ride was right royally rogered by a face-planting MitsubeeyARChi Lancer wanting to become one with my boot. I bought back the wreck (yep, I couldn't let go...) since the car had all the good bits still working (it was a monumental rear-ender that bent the chassis out of the insurers repairable parameters) and bought a snailless but otherwise matching XR6 to transplant all the good gear into. Did that and me being a little lazy, thought I could get it running with the donor car's 5channel ABS. Speedo never worked and at one stage got help from a young bloke (daniel) who had access to the Ford Software and CAMM2 Bus connector to make changes. Sadly all he succeeded in doing was disabling my Traction Control toggle and I eventually just bit the bullet and transplanted my 6channel ABS unit in. Speedo and all other things are back to normal however still, no traction control toggle and this is where I'm at. I spoke to Ford Servcie and (as they do) they promptly fed me a tirade of how it's going to probably cost them at least an hour and that it isn't easy to crack into the ECU to make these changes and it could mean they'll have to try several settings and then test-drive the car to check nothing else has changed and to verify that.. blah blah blah, waffle, yarpyarpyarp...mumbledroneworblecarryon..... So, Does anyone have the ability to toggle this one pox-ridden setting for me? I can pay in cartons and/or appreciation or for that matter, most forms of trade currency you might think of. I still have the bare shell of my wreck and sundry non-performance related spares if that's of any use. Nothing flash so I won't list it. Cheers, :|
  13. Bugger, Hope I'm not too late... Can I list me for one set of Six please?? Bugeyes.
  14. Go get two dirty great big blocks of ice, put them where your rear wheels would be and hire a bunch of bogans with 4 wheel drives and big bullbars to shunt you around a carpark. I'm sure that would be much cheaper but with the same effect.
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