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Everything posted by bossmang

  1. santa didnt bring me a new pc, not happy jan
  2. why are bf wheels causing issues on a ba? is this normal?
  3. @k31th since @Dagabond is no longer I think its time to hand over the reins to me now.
  4. stay on topic plz first warning cheers admint
  5. I have absolutely.... not upgraded still
  6. how about a free stick of ram with every tune
  7. 1k doesnt buy sh*t I agree my rates are 700 bux per quarter alone.
  8. has to be a flogged bush somewhere you dont get the zf lurch doing what you did, I know I have the bloody lurch thing.
  9. 16 posts in 17 years fair effort ! @credders
  10. what are you smokin dude the leafs are on the bottom of the axel
  11. the fastest I can go where I live is like 60 so
  12. I just put on a fresh set of falkens to replace my original achilies sh*t.
  13. omg fluff what a transformation congrats on your achievements. still wana marry you
  14. congrats keif but we all know you only bought that house for the man cave ;)
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