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bossmang last won the day on March 10

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About bossmang

  • Birthday 30/07/1987

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  1. much needed and feel better though.
  2. yes slept in until 10am, first time in maybe 8 years ive done that... my daughter usually wakes me up at 7am!
  3. are you talking to yourself keif
  4. oopsie keif, unlucky mate horrible feeling and damage. just dont tell the insurance mob you did some handy work to it prior lol
  5. it was probs just replaced with another one from the wreckers get a trans shop to pull it out and check, may as well get it rebuilt and tuned is your car stock?
  6. santa didnt bring me a new pc, not happy jan
  7. why are bf wheels causing issues on a ba? is this normal?
  8. @k31th since @Dagabond is no longer I think its time to hand over the reins to me now.
  9. stay on topic plz first warning cheers admint
  10. I have absolutely.... not upgraded still
  11. how about a free stick of ram with every tune
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